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Stephen King: Three Novels (B&N Collectible…
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Stephen King: Three Novels (B&N Collectible Editions) (2019. Auflage)

von Stephen King (Autor)

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585442,352 (4.35)2
Three complete novels in one volume from the master of the macabre, Stephen King: "Carrie, Salem's Lot, " and "The Shining.".
Titel:Stephen King: Three Novels (B&N Collectible Editions)
Autoren:Stephen King (Autor)
Info:Doubleday Publishing (2019), 1096 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Carrie / 'Salem's Lot / The Shining von Stephen King

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Ok. I do not own this book and am not really reading this book too.

The thing is goodreads still does not allow us to have 2 different copies of the same book on our GR shelves. Or for that matter when you re read a book and participating in the reading challenge and you re read a book the book will not count as read. You have to delete the first time info that you'd read it and then it counts.This is very annoying.

I have a few books where I have more than 1 copy. For instance Stephen King. I have nearly all his books in Dutch but also many now in English. Can't add them all.

Well I am re-reading The Shining now. I do know SK did not like the adaption of his book to the Stanley Kubrick movie and said this was the only adaptation of his novels that he could "remember hating". Notably, before this King often said he did not care about the film adaptations of his novels.

He also did not like that Jack was played by Jack Nicholson. The latter had become famous with his great role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. King wanted a more every day actor. Nicholson he thought was already connected as being crazy due to that movie.

SK later made a mini series.

Anyway. This has apparently been one of my least favourite King books. I guess that has to do with me watching the movie before reading. I always try to read a book before watching the movie cause I love to make up my own characters and bow they look like.

Now I am re reading because I have Doctor Sleep on my kindle and can't wait to read.

Finished last night. (Well this morning cause it was 05.00 am Could not get back to sleep and no not thanks to the book ;) )

I did enjoy it. It was interesting to see how King managed to make Jack slowly becoming crazy and I also enjoyed how Danny saw the world.

( )
  Marlene-NL | Mar 12, 2016 |
Carrie was the first Stephen King novel I read, and was hooked from that moment on. Eventually I worked though many of his novel always needing days / weeks to get over them. These three have to be some of the best of his works. ( )
  KellyIlebode | May 17, 2013 |
You know that question? "If you were deserted on an island and could have only one book..." This is my book. Carrie was my first S.K. novel and has sentimental value (I also saw the original movie in theatres and had to walk home through the alley late at night. I was 13 and just knew that Carrie's hand would bust out of the ground and drag me into hell. Good Lord.) and 'Salem's Lot has to be one of King's best - it's the one I reccomend to first timers who would like to step into the world of Steven King. ( )
  Bonita_Aranda | Sep 14, 2009 |
Three extremley great works combined into one big book. If your strapped for cash and don't have these books yet already, this would be a great buy. Generally I find it on the 'bargain' rack at local book stores, but believe me it's not because of lack of content. ( )
  beckylynn | Jul 5, 2008 |
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Three complete novels in one volume from the master of the macabre, Stephen King: "Carrie, Salem's Lot, " and "The Shining.".

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