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von Carl Alves

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San Francisco homicide detective Kevin Russell has arrested serial rapists, murderers, and more sadistic thugs than he could remember. Nothing he has ever accomplished can prepare him for Conjesero, a supernatural serial killer who has been terrorizing the Americas for centuries. Conjesero-a creature with extraordinary intelligence and a vicious nature that has created a trail of bodies from Mexico to San Francisco-has always made law enforcement cower in fear and pretend that he doesn't exist. Only Kevin is willing to stand in its path. His desperation takes him on a journey inside the killer's twisted world. There is nothing that he is unwilling to do, even if it means making a deal with the devil, to stop Conjesero or die trying.… (mehr)
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A college student, a high-school misfit, and a grandfather with strange tales to tell form one half of Conjesero’s tapestry. Meanwhile San Francisco homicide detective Kevin Russel and colleague Rita Tedesco, plus wounded friend and a beautiful romantic lead, follow a parallel tale. But it all comes together halfway through Carl Alves’ novel, with instant celebrity Kevin tackling images of werewolves, contemplating love, and insisting against all odds that he must protect and serve. The race is on to ensure the conviction of a murderer and find the serial killer of unconnected strangers. At which point the story gathers serious momentum via interesting tidbits of criminal psychology, and fascinating mythology of the supernatural. By the end of the book, all these characters seem real, their challenges absorbing, and their road to recovery pleasingly laid-out.

Conjesero starts with a bang, slows down, then speeds to a frantic conclusion. The final action scenes feel perfectly plotted for a movie, and there’s a nice complexity to questions of whether breaking rules and allying with evil might be allowed in the cause of destroying a greater evil. In the end it’s not what’s seen that matters, but what lies underneath, both in relationships and in criminal investigation—a wise and nicely nuanced conclusion to a cross-genre novel with romance, action, suspense, police procedures, monsters and more.

Disclosure: I was given a copy and I voluntarily offer my honest review. ( )
  SheilaDeeth | Jan 16, 2017 |
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San Francisco homicide detective Kevin Russell has arrested serial rapists, murderers, and more sadistic thugs than he could remember. Nothing he has ever accomplished can prepare him for Conjesero, a supernatural serial killer who has been terrorizing the Americas for centuries. Conjesero-a creature with extraordinary intelligence and a vicious nature that has created a trail of bodies from Mexico to San Francisco-has always made law enforcement cower in fear and pretend that he doesn't exist. Only Kevin is willing to stand in its path. His desperation takes him on a journey inside the killer's twisted world. There is nothing that he is unwilling to do, even if it means making a deal with the devil, to stop Conjesero or die trying.

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