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A Bend in the Yellow River

von Justin Hill

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321773,413 (2.8)3
Arriving in Yuncheng, China as a starry-eyed 21-year-old teacher, Justin Hill expected the legend. Slowly, over the two years he spent teaching in the city, Hill began to gain insights into the real lives of contemporary China, realizing that nowhere was more authentically Chinese than this outpost nestling in a bend of the yellow river. Battling with the daily contraditions of a rich spiritual and cultural history and a Communist present, adapting to the gradual influence of the West with a robust good humor, the people of Yuncheng are a vital part of their country's future. A Bend in the Yellow River is a unique view of a different way of life.… (mehr)
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A bend in the Yellow River is a memoir of the author's year, teaching English in the small town of Yuncheng in Shanxi Province, China. Aged just 21 year, Justin Hill arrived in China in 1993, as a volunteer with the VSO. The small town to which Mario and he were assigned lies at a distance of 16 hours by train from Beijing, in the southernmost tip of Shanxi Province.

In 1993, Chinese people in such a remote place had barely been exposed to foreigners, and the local population and the foreigners observe each other as exotica. The memoir, divided according to the seasons, describes every aspect of life as a foreign teacher in China. It forms a quaint portrait of life in China in the early 1990s.

A bend in the Yellow River was Justin Hill's first book. He has subsequently written various other books, including a novel and collection of short stories. Leaving China, he moved to Africa, to teach English in Eritrea. ( )
  edwinbcn | May 2, 2016 |
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Arriving in Yuncheng, China as a starry-eyed 21-year-old teacher, Justin Hill expected the legend. Slowly, over the two years he spent teaching in the city, Hill began to gain insights into the real lives of contemporary China, realizing that nowhere was more authentically Chinese than this outpost nestling in a bend of the yellow river. Battling with the daily contraditions of a rich spiritual and cultural history and a Communist present, adapting to the gradual influence of the West with a robust good humor, the people of Yuncheng are a vital part of their country's future. A Bend in the Yellow River is a unique view of a different way of life.

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