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The Train of States von Peter Sís
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The Train of States (Original 2004; 2007. Auflage)

von Peter Sís (Autor)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
5221048,454 (3.75)Keine
Gives information about each state, including capital, motto, state tree, state bird, source of name, and date of statehood.
Titel:The Train of States
Autoren:Peter Sís (Autor)
Info:Greenwillow Books (2007), Edition: Reprint, 64 pages
Sammlungen:LR Younger Classroom, Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Author of the Month, U.S History


The Train of States von Peter Sís (2004)

  1. 00
    Eisenthron von George R. R. Martin (Anonymer Nutzer)
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Nice. A great way to introduce our country to children.
  FamiliesUnitedLL | Jul 3, 2023 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Each page/train car contains information on one of the 50 states. State capitals, birds, trees, flowers and a fun fact are included for each state. Every train car is decorated with symbols or special images to the state itself.
Ages: 4-8
Source: Pierce County Library
  MsKrystal | Oct 29, 2015 |
Summary: This is such a cute informational book that has all the 50 states and different trains in each state It has pictures and plenty of information about all the different types of trains. There is a lot of information about the uses for each type of train in each state

Personal Reaction: I think this is such a great book for kids because is has all the states, different trains, and lots of pictures. It would be the perfect informational book for a history lesson or lesson about America.

Classroom Extension IdeaS:
1) We could talk about trains in our own state and possibly go see a real train
2) We could bring in models of trains and talk about what they're used for and where they came from
3) Have the kids draw a picture of their favorite train and at least two facts they remember about that train
4) Do a memory game. Which train goes with what state?
  Bretny | Apr 29, 2015 |
Great book to help students gain interest in the different states. Each page features a different state, and information about that state (nickname, motto, state bird, capitol, flag.. etc..) Each page also labels the presidents that originated from each state, and has an interesting fact about that state. It was interesting for me to read through, and somewhat informative, so I can imagine that students would learn a lot from this book. Highly recommended for any lower elementary classroom. ( )
  adscrim | May 7, 2014 |
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Gives information about each state, including capital, motto, state tree, state bird, source of name, and date of statehood.

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