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von LK Chapman

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Video game designers Nick and Dan find their half-finished project suddenly replaced with a game that is finished – and brilliant. Soon players everywhere find themselves immersed in an incredible new virtual world. But events in the game become increasingly sinister, taking over the lives of players and blurring the lines with reality. As Nick's life is thrown into turmoil, he fears for his friend Dan, and his wife Lily, and he finds himself increasingly asking: Where has the game come from? Who made it? What is it for? And most importantly … What does it want from them? Networked contains several chapters depicting a character's journey with depression. Some readers may find this content upsetting.… (mehr)
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Amazing book a treasure to be proud of a very hard topic to write about and it was well thought out and very insightful. This amazing story I would be so delighted to recommend to my friends also my heart felt thanks to the author L.K.Chapman for the exquisite pleasure of reading this wonderful book so to all happy reading from wee me. ( )
  weelinda | Oct 10, 2016 |
Networked is a real page turner. Each chapter left me dying to read the next one and the pace of the story is very well balanced. It’s packed with intense scenes but also has intimate moments where the characters’ personalities shine through.

The story covers some pretty diverse topics, including artificial intelligence and violence in video games but also depression, intimate relationships and even questions what it means to be alive.

The three main characters in Networked are normal people trying to deal with a very abnormal situation that seems to keep getting worse and worse, but the differences between the characters show in how they respond to the situation. I enjoyed reading how the relationship between the characters changed throughout the story and I found the ending surprisingly emotional.

There are regular flashbacks to an earlier period when one of the main characters, Lily, was struggling with depression and I particularly liked how these moments were echoed in the present day and also seeing the ways in which Lily has and hasn't changed since then.

Despite being classed as sci-fi it’s not really like most sci-fi that I have read before and I would definitely recommend it to people who wouldn't normally read sci-fi. ( )
  ashchap | Jul 16, 2016 |
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Video game designers Nick and Dan find their half-finished project suddenly replaced with a game that is finished – and brilliant. Soon players everywhere find themselves immersed in an incredible new virtual world. But events in the game become increasingly sinister, taking over the lives of players and blurring the lines with reality. As Nick's life is thrown into turmoil, he fears for his friend Dan, and his wife Lily, and he finds himself increasingly asking: Where has the game come from? Who made it? What is it for? And most importantly … What does it want from them? Networked contains several chapters depicting a character's journey with depression. Some readers may find this content upsetting.

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