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Anything for Him

von LK Chapman

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Reihen: No Escape (Chapman) (1)

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3213773,413 (4.46)Keine
Vulnerable and alone after the tragic loss of her parents, Felicity finds herself in a relationship with volatile and troubled Jay. Reluctantly drawn in to a twisted revenge plan against Jay's former best friend, Felicity soon becomes trapped, and as Jay turns increasingly controlling and abusive she questions everything, he has told her about his past and his former girlfriend Sammie. But when she wants to expose the truth she comes up against an even greater threat: Someone obsessed and dangerous. Someone who has always been in the background of Jay's life. Someone who will do anything for him.… (mehr)
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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Note: I received this book for free in return for an honest review.

What would you do for the person you love? That is the question that Felicity tries to answer when the man she loves, Jay, asks her to help him get revenge on his former friend, Mark, for sleeping with his former love, Sammie. But what really happened all those years ago? Who was Sammie? And what does she have to do with Felicity? Alternating between Sammie and Felicity's point of view this story explores the question what will we do for the people we love.

I could not but this book down! It is full of twists and turns that leaves the reader guessing till the very end. Admittedly the characters in this story are not that likeable however I still found myself feeling for them. Overall this book is a must read for mystery and suspense lovers. ( )
  RebeccaLMello | Jun 6, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
What a thrilling experience! Nicely written!

-Given for an honest review. ( )
  LysaJP | Jan 11, 2017 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Wow! I couldn't put this one down. I just finished it and I'm at a loss for words. Crazy, twisted, insane.... Just when I thought I had it figured out it changed and even though I can now see how it all led up to the ending it was a shock. Wow, wow, wow! ( )
  CarynThomas33 | Sep 14, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
What an Awesome read! I am not usually a fan of stories with flashbacks but the author really makes it works by weaving the two stories slowly together until the final culmination. The twist and turns kept me guessing and I could not put the book down! This is a must read. ( )
1 abstimmen angbenton | Sep 12, 2016 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Would you do anything for the person you loved? How far would you be willing to go to make them trust you? Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down. It starts as a innocent infatuation of a girl by a boy in school. They seem to really like each other. Sammie and Jay are typical teenagers who suddenly find themselves entangled in a very unhealthy relationship. The author has masterfully written a story so terrifying and graphic that I gasped out loud at some of the violence . It is well described and as Sammie slowly realizes that Jay is dangerous, she feels terror raging through her body.

Mark and Jay have a weird friendship . I wasn't sure at first who was jealous of who and why they were jealous. As the story progresses there is a hint of anger boiling to the surface between the two. Mark always tells Jay he will look out for him and I think Mark begins to really be one creepy guy. I could not figure out who was worse but the brilliant writing had me on the edge of my seat reading as fast as I could. Jay seems to become more violent and less trusting towards Sammie and she is desperate to get away from him. What happens that day when Mark, Sammie and Jay all find themselves at the same house? Who knows the truth behind Sammie's disappearance?

The story flashe forward several years and we see Jay with a young woman named Fliss. She looks similar to Sammie but Fliss has no clue about Jay's past. One day Jay decides he wants to get revenge on his old friend Mark. Fliss is at the center of the plot. I really liked Fliss and I screamed at her several times to leave, don't look back, don't trust Jay, just go far far away. Jay has become more diabolical and his hatred for Mark is eating him up. Fliss uncovers a secret that will hav her begging for her life.

I will leave the story there, because you must experience the superb writing of this author. The story is well crafted and takes us into the mind of a person bent on revenge and hatred that will leave you shaking as the story continued down a dark sinister road of madness. I have read a book that literally scared me and made me glance over my shoulders serval times. It is gritty, vengeful , violent and a masterfully written psychological thriller that has all the makings for a great movie. The caliber of writing this author has done is explosive with an ending so electrifying that the ending is a heart pumping thrill that leaves you breathless. I loved the ending and I didn't see it coming. Be prepared to read with the lights on and hold on tight till the very end. It is going to be a bumpy, scary, and explosive ride right till the end. You have been warned.

I received a digital copy of this book from Librarything giveaway for an honest review. ( )
1 abstimmen Harley0326 | Sep 11, 2016 |
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LK ChapmanHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Parker-Naples, AnnaErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Vulnerable and alone after the tragic loss of her parents, Felicity finds herself in a relationship with volatile and troubled Jay. Reluctantly drawn in to a twisted revenge plan against Jay's former best friend, Felicity soon becomes trapped, and as Jay turns increasingly controlling and abusive she questions everything, he has told her about his past and his former girlfriend Sammie. But when she wants to expose the truth she comes up against an even greater threat: Someone obsessed and dangerous. Someone who has always been in the background of Jay's life. Someone who will do anything for him.

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