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Strawberry Shortcake, Volume 1: Return of the Purple Pieman

von Georgia Ball

Reihen: Strawberry Shortcake [2016] (0-2 collected)

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1841,225,447 (3.5)Keine
Strawberry Shortcake returns to comics! And along with her comes the return of one of her most nefarious foes, the Purple Pieman! Join us for this berry special story re-introducing everyone's favorite bad baker to the current Strawberry Shortcake mythos!
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Definitely still feels like Strawberry Shortcake, but with a fresh, up-to-date look.

Note: I received a digital review copy of this title through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
I can so very much tell that this was written from the TV show. It doesn’t suck but it’s also not great. Kids will like it, but I am a fan of the original, not version 3. The girls are all too thin and too into fashion and hair, etc. It’s not the Strawberry Shortcake I loved, and it colors my review.
+16 #TBRRead ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Dec 28, 2019 |
Adorable, sweet, and unpretentious. Strawberry Shortcake! I could not resist when I saw this title.

It turned out that the first section of this book was distributed this year on 'Free Comic Book Day' May 7, so I had already seen the first half, which I probably enjoyed far more than I should have. The hit of nostalgia was incredible! I was friends with Strawberry Shortcake when I was young, and although I do not have any dolls now, the happy memories have stayed with me.

Great for fans old and new of Strawberry Shortcake. Very positive messages and just a touch of gross to make it interesting.

**eARC Netgalley** ( )
  Critterbee | Apr 16, 2018 |
For fans of Strawberry Shortcake, young and old, this is a delight. Fun, with beautiful artwork-it's a great volume. I love comics and I grew up with the older Strawberry Shortcake and I love how my daughters can now enjoy her more modern version. This would be great for any fan.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  CynthiaMR | Aug 31, 2016 |
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Strawberry Shortcake returns to comics! And along with her comes the return of one of her most nefarious foes, the Purple Pieman! Join us for this berry special story re-introducing everyone's favorite bad baker to the current Strawberry Shortcake mythos!

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