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My Washington, DC

von Kathy Jakobsen

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262916,929 (4.13)Keine
Presents fun facts, seek-and-find challenges, a city map and a poster of the Bill of Rights with vibrant, lush paintings depicting major Washington, D.C. landmarks, from the White House to the National Air and Space Museum.
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MY WASHINGTON DC by Kathy Jakobsen is a visually rich picture book exploring the key features of this important US city.

The story follows Becky and her friend Martin as they explore the many interesting sights of this capitol city. The detailed illustrations and informational text bring the locations alive for children.

Of particular note is the illustrator’s use of the book’s borders to embed interesting artifacts and visual information. The book concludes with a reader’s challenge that asks readers to spot details woven throughout the book.

Librarians will find the book to be an excellent addition to their social studies collection. Consider an assignment that connects the book with Google Maps to explore the buildings of Washington DC.

To learn more about the author, go to

Published by Little, Brown, an imprint of Hachette on September 6, 2016. ARC courtesy of the publisher. ( )
  eduscapes | Feb 18, 2017 |
The illustration in this book is beautiful, intricate, and highly detailed. It's a fun way for students to explore the nations capital in a fun, inventive way. It also appeals to adults as well.
  AshleyTimonen | Jan 19, 2017 |
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Presents fun facts, seek-and-find challenges, a city map and a poster of the Bill of Rights with vibrant, lush paintings depicting major Washington, D.C. landmarks, from the White House to the National Air and Space Museum.

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