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Washed Away: From Darkness to Light

von Nikki Dubose

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Washed Away: From Darkness to Light Nikki DuBose was a successful model in the high-glam, high-stakes fashion industry. She seemed to have it all--while in actuality she wanted nothing but to kill herself. For more than seventeen years, she battled with issues of abuse, eating and body dysmorphic disorders, psychosis, addictions, and depression. More than once, she attempted suicide. And then, in 2012, while her career was flying higher than ever, her mother died from addiction. This tragedy shook DuBose to her core, and she could do nothing but reevaluate her life and work to get better. Washed Away: From Darkness to Light chronicles her road to recovery with a raw narrative and a deeply spiritual perspective. Providing insight into mental health issues and the long, sometimes scary, often frustrating path people walk to find light in the darkness, DuBose's memoir ultimately is one of hope and inspiration. Through self-reflection, the support of professional counselors, doctors, friends and family, and the shedding of shame, all things, including recovery, are possible.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonLilyRoseShadowlyn, skinter987

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    Shattered Image: My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic Disorder von Brian Cuban (skinter987)
    skinter987: Both books are inspiring and take a raw look at recovering from serious mental health issues.
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Anyone who can read this without at least tearing up has no heart. As someone with a traumatizing childhood, and eating disorders, and my own hallucinations and demons, all of which I am still coming to terms with, I not only empathized, but found hope in these pages. Although this may be triggering for some, and indeed, I myself had to pause often to cry and deal with the memories that were stirred, it was also in its own way cathartic..

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  LilyRoseShadowlyn | Jan 1, 2017 |
This is one of the best books I have ever read. Nikki had to overcome more mental health issues than anyone I have ever heard of, and she serves as an inspiration to many. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever struggled with low self-esteem, all the way to severe mental health conditions. Plus, she was a model, which makes it all the more interesting. ( )
  skinter987 | Oct 2, 2016 |
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Washed Away: From Darkness to Light Nikki DuBose was a successful model in the high-glam, high-stakes fashion industry. She seemed to have it all--while in actuality she wanted nothing but to kill herself. For more than seventeen years, she battled with issues of abuse, eating and body dysmorphic disorders, psychosis, addictions, and depression. More than once, she attempted suicide. And then, in 2012, while her career was flying higher than ever, her mother died from addiction. This tragedy shook DuBose to her core, and she could do nothing but reevaluate her life and work to get better. Washed Away: From Darkness to Light chronicles her road to recovery with a raw narrative and a deeply spiritual perspective. Providing insight into mental health issues and the long, sometimes scary, often frustrating path people walk to find light in the darkness, DuBose's memoir ultimately is one of hope and inspiration. Through self-reflection, the support of professional counselors, doctors, friends and family, and the shedding of shame, all things, including recovery, are possible.

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