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Hotel rozkoší

von Marina Anderson

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Are you ready for a weekend away at the Hotel of Seduction? Grace has won the man of her dreams - and her fantasies. Brooding, sensual, wealthy and handsome, their days and nights are filled with pleasure. But can this enigmatic man truly love her? Together they have set up a secret, exclusive hotel for adventurous couples, designed to open their guests' eyes to the darker, deeper side of desire. But one of the visitors has an agenda, and David is becoming distracted by a new arrival. As they explore the delights on offer, Grace realises this is a test: if she fails, she will lose David to his next passing fancy. If she succeeds, she will secure his love for ever, and he will finally invite her into his world . . . Take some time away and allow yourself to be seduced by the Hotel of Seduction.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonHunterbooks, mountbatten, _eskarina, Walter_Tommasino

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óda na oddalovaný orgasmus :D
Autorka se tady pokouší o příběh, oproti Ostrovu poslušnosti, který oplývá mizerným dějem a spoustou sexu. Mám radši plytký příběh a spoustu sexu, než pokus o vykreslení dramatu vztahu ;) Jednak je chyba v tom, že Hotel je sequel Klubu (Dining club), který ale u nás nevyšel. Takže povahy Grace a Davida můžeme odhadovat a tudíž jen tušit, proč se postavy chovaj tak, jak se chovaj. A stejně tak záměry ostatních, které vedou ke katastrofě, tedy únosu. ( )
  mountbatten | Oct 26, 2017 |
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Are you ready for a weekend away at the Hotel of Seduction? Grace has won the man of her dreams - and her fantasies. Brooding, sensual, wealthy and handsome, their days and nights are filled with pleasure. But can this enigmatic man truly love her? Together they have set up a secret, exclusive hotel for adventurous couples, designed to open their guests' eyes to the darker, deeper side of desire. But one of the visitors has an agenda, and David is becoming distracted by a new arrival. As they explore the delights on offer, Grace realises this is a test: if she fails, she will lose David to his next passing fancy. If she succeeds, she will secure his love for ever, and he will finally invite her into his world . . . Take some time away and allow yourself to be seduced by the Hotel of Seduction.

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