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The Bug Boys

von Stewart Hoffman

Reihen: The Bug Boys (1)

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1841,225,447 (3.88)5
Who would have thought that eating a peanut butter sandwich and an apple would change your life? Let alone get you mixed up with an old alien research project, and transform you into the superheroes your village never needed. For two young South Yorkshire lads, Alex Adams and Ian Harris, it was a geeky comic book dream come true, but it wasn’t everything it was cracked up to be in the real world. They discover there are many layers between good and evil, and with great power, comes an embarrassing amount of gas!.… (mehr)
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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I think this is a good example of a book that came from an interesting idea that could have made for a really fun book, but was torn in too many different directions to really feel finished or have much impact. Hoffman's writing carried the book, but the problem came partly in the form of audience--it felt like the author couldn't quite decide whether the book was meant for kids or for adults, and the book suffered for it because, in the end, it wasn't really written for either. Parts of this would amuse only kids, while other parts were clearly more directed to adults, which in the end made for something of an awkward read.

At its best, this book felt like a take on Douglas Adams' 'Hitchhiker's Guide' voice, but the truth is that it just didn't take that tone quite far enough--and I have to think that comes down to the book trying to please too many different audiences rather than going full-throttle toward one angle on the idea.

So, while I was looking forward to exploring this book, the truth is that it was a struggle for me to get through it. I think I'd like to try something else by the author if it were more focused on either adults or kids, but given that this book was lacking in editing and felt like it needed a bit more work, I'd probably only do so if the author's work were published through a publisher as opposed to being self-published. ( )
  whitewavedarling | May 6, 2019 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Take a departure from reality, venture into a fantasy ripe with small robot aliens and bugs. Our heroes take on several challenges, with the assistance of aliens. It’s a fun story, and an interesting read. ( )
  bearlyr | Apr 2, 2019 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
I didn't think I was going to like this book because it's about bugs, nanobots and superheros but I was wrong because the more I read the more I was hooked.
I liked the way the author explained the different names and sayings spotted dick and British Bulldogs( the game not the animal) because the story takes place in England.
Kids, especially boys, will like this book because it has a lot of farting in it. ( )
  bah195 | Mar 16, 2018 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
Bit of a slow starter and different than my normal read however; if you are keen on SyFy type of adventures in a newly modernized twist, this book is for you. This is a creative tale that really feeds from the innocence that lays within childhood imagination. Alex and Ian are best friends who are victims to the neighborhood bully. An desperately long for change .....if only superheroes were real. Its a whimisical spin of boyhood friendship, from poverty and being bullied, to a twist on them "turning" into town superoheros. An their attempts to withold the truth..dodging school and beating bullies. The suspicions arise amongst everyone with Ian and Alex.. Puberty, perhaps? Antennas are not the only thing they must hide.. ( )
  Kotzma | Jan 22, 2018 |
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Who would have thought that eating a peanut butter sandwich and an apple would change your life? Let alone get you mixed up with an old alien research project, and transform you into the superheroes your village never needed. For two young South Yorkshire lads, Alex Adams and Ian Harris, it was a geeky comic book dream come true, but it wasn’t everything it was cracked up to be in the real world. They discover there are many layers between good and evil, and with great power, comes an embarrassing amount of gas!.

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Stewart Hoffman ist ein LibraryThing-Autor, ein Autor, der seine persönliche Bibliothek in LibraryThing auflistet.

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