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von Jillian Quinn

Reihen: Ice Breakers (1)

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After another scandal sends me packing to play hockey in Philadelphia, my new agent wants me to clean up my act. Charlotte says I party harder than I play. And she's right. So, she offers to help me get my life and career back on track if I move in with her. I thought I could make it through one week without wanting my agent. But I was wrong. As we grow closer, we push the limits and test her rule about dating clients. To keep Charlotte from losing her job, we have to keep our relationship a secret. But can our love survive once it turns into my next scandal? Contains mature themes.… (mehr)
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Alex Parker is a bad boy hockey player and Charlotte "Coach" Coachman is the sports agent who's been tasked with keeping him in line. Charlotte resists her attraction to Alex because she "doesn't date clients." - especially a womanizer like Parker - but Alex is kind, sweet and patient - and flirtacious - with her and they eventually succumb to their mutual attraction. I love the banter between the two of them and their chemistry is smoking hot. This book was difficult to put down until I'd reached the end. I'll definitely be reading the rest of the Face-Off series. ( )
  mel_t | Jul 21, 2021 |
Jillian Quinn scores with PARKER, the first book from the Face-Off series. NHL defenseman, Alex Parker, is traded to the Philadelphia Flyers due to bad behavior. His agent, Mick Donoghue, asks his toughest employee, Charlotte Coachman (Coach), to get him out of the penalty box. Their encounters are a constant Face-Off. This contemporary sports romance is suitable for adult audiences.

Jillian Quinn does an admirable job with her character development. They are believable and well developed. I like Alex. He is having a difficult time dealing with his father’s death. He’s drinking too much and getting in trouble. He has a good heart. I love how he is with kids. He is persistent and needs some guidance. Charlie is an impressive heroine. She had a difficult childhood. She was an impressive college basketball player, planning on going pro, until her dreams were crushed by an injury. She becomes a successful senior sports agent, with a stellar reputation. I like that she tells it how it is. I love that she coaches youth basketball. I also appreciated her work ethic. Alex and Charlotte have great chemistry and make an intriguing couple that need each other.

I enjoyed the plot. There were a lot of complicated issues and dynamics that made the story thought-provoking. Jillian Quinn does an amazing job describing the sport scenes. It is obvious she is knowledgeable. I enjoyed the ending. It was clever and well-resolved. This is the first book that I read by Jillian Quinn. I enjoyed her writing style. The story was well laid out and entertaining throughout. I plan to continue following this series and am looking forward to the next book. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book. ( )
  dlynch | Mar 8, 2017 |
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After another scandal sends me packing to play hockey in Philadelphia, my new agent wants me to clean up my act. Charlotte says I party harder than I play. And she's right. So, she offers to help me get my life and career back on track if I move in with her. I thought I could make it through one week without wanting my agent. But I was wrong. As we grow closer, we push the limits and test her rule about dating clients. To keep Charlotte from losing her job, we have to keep our relationship a secret. But can our love survive once it turns into my next scandal? Contains mature themes.

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