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Spinward Fringe Broadcast 10: Freeground

von Randolph Lalonde

Reihen: Spinward Fringe (10)

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Fiction. Science Fiction. The war between the Order of Eden and the few who fight for their freedom continues. Jacob and his comrades are within the Iron Head Nebula, a natural border between sectors where danger surrounds them as they do their best to assist stranded ships, fight the Order, and make connections with those who dwell in the gargantuan dust cloud.Meanwhile, Alice and many young Officer Candidates are challenged by the rigorous training provided by the new Triton Fleet Academy. Her mind, body and preconceptions will all be tested as she makes her attempt to complete the first curriculum so she can become a leader in the growing fleet. The fight awaits Alice and her fellow students but they have to prove themselves before they are allowed to join the battle.Everyone will be pushed to their limits as they confront some of the most incredible challenges and mysteries of their lives.… (mehr)
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I just finished re-reading Episode #9. I'm glad I did as there was a lot that I had not remembered. And when I bought a copy on Smashwords, I saw that Episode 11 is scheduled to be released in late June 2017.
( )
  n9kju | Feb 18, 2021 |
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Fiction. Science Fiction. The war between the Order of Eden and the few who fight for their freedom continues. Jacob and his comrades are within the Iron Head Nebula, a natural border between sectors where danger surrounds them as they do their best to assist stranded ships, fight the Order, and make connections with those who dwell in the gargantuan dust cloud.Meanwhile, Alice and many young Officer Candidates are challenged by the rigorous training provided by the new Triton Fleet Academy. Her mind, body and preconceptions will all be tested as she makes her attempt to complete the first curriculum so she can become a leader in the growing fleet. The fight awaits Alice and her fellow students but they have to prove themselves before they are allowed to join the battle.Everyone will be pushed to their limits as they confront some of the most incredible challenges and mysteries of their lives.

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