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Lavos (VLG) (Volume 5)

von Laurann Dohner

Reihen: VLG (5)

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241977,208 (4.21)Keine
Jadee Trollis knows a little something about things that go bump in the night. Thanks to a father obsessed with myths, legends, and the paranormal, Jadee was dragged around the world in his pursuit of everything from ghosts to Sasquatch as a child. She got away from all that craziness in her teens, seeking a normal life as an adult. A trip to Alaska to visit her father quickly turns into a nightmare. Jadee ends up trapped in her father's tricked-out RV, hiding from the dangerous Vampires outside.Lavos is the hottest man she's ever seen when he comes to her rescue. He growls, has some seriously strange but beautiful eyes, and he's not human. But returning to the lower forty-eight might not be the safety net she's expecting, and the normal life Jadee craves more than anything means never seeing Lavos again. When she finds herself in need of his help, it seems her new normal may be back in Alaska, waiting in her VampLycan's arms.… (mehr)
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Jadee's is a paranormal hunter, who finally found what he'd been seeking all his life. Jadee seeks out her father only to be attacked by vampires. Lavos ends up rescuing her and even though he can't wipe her mind he lets her return to her life. Trying to forget Lavos, Jadee is attacked by a vamp and ends up fleeing back to Alaska hoping Jadee can help her find a way from being hunted and killed. Jadee's smart, finding Lavos but she's not out of danger until they finally mated. I thought the story started out really well but their reunion to mate/love was very quick, then the story hung on to provide groundwork for the next story.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
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VLG (5)
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Jadee Trollis knows a little something about things that go bump in the night. Thanks to a father obsessed with myths, legends, and the paranormal, Jadee was dragged around the world in his pursuit of everything from ghosts to Sasquatch as a child. She got away from all that craziness in her teens, seeking a normal life as an adult. A trip to Alaska to visit her father quickly turns into a nightmare. Jadee ends up trapped in her father's tricked-out RV, hiding from the dangerous Vampires outside.Lavos is the hottest man she's ever seen when he comes to her rescue. He growls, has some seriously strange but beautiful eyes, and he's not human. But returning to the lower forty-eight might not be the safety net she's expecting, and the normal life Jadee craves more than anything means never seeing Lavos again. When she finds herself in need of his help, it seems her new normal may be back in Alaska, waiting in her VampLycan's arms.

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