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Dissertation Solutions: A Concise Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Surviving the Dissertation Process

von Bradley N. Axelrod

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Dissertation Solutions provides graduate students with the basic tools and skills to help them navigate the whole process with minimal damage, making the whole process of planning, researching, and writing more manageable. This thorough, but concise guide will help even the most nai ve graduate student become experts in navigating and surviving their graduate experiences.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJamesWindell, scootorian

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1/2 Star for usefulness, -4.5 Stars for citations, tone, and format
Recommendation: Find a functional manual that puts the reader in the driver's seat. Already have this book? Skip to the recommended resources on page 169.

Axelrod and Windell have accomplished writing book that is okay. It is filled with important guidance and useful information. However, I do not recommend this book for several reasons. Formost is that it is a work about writing dissertations that fails to meet the standards of its own subject. The writing style is more prose than instructional and was written as a low grade self-help book rather than a scholarly manual with proper citations.

Considering this Dissertation Solutions was written in 2012, I am puzzled by it's archaic approach and often patronizing language towards the reader. The anecdotes are often negative and put other professors and students down in contrast to Dr. Axelrod's solutions.

DS does not hold up to it's contemporaries: books and manuals written with precision enthusiasm filled with layouts that attend to various learning styles.

It is difficult to grasp how 2 scholars in the field of psychology fail to write a book on writing a dissertation with proper citations! There is no way that the authors originated the concepts on writing a dissertation. The 1, one, singe, sole citation is the APA Manual and a page of recommended resources in the back are not enough to make up for that oversight. ( )
  scootorian | Jun 30, 2017 |
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Dissertation Solutions provides graduate students with the basic tools and skills to help them navigate the whole process with minimal damage, making the whole process of planning, researching, and writing more manageable. This thorough, but concise guide will help even the most nai ve graduate student become experts in navigating and surviving their graduate experiences.

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