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von JC Harroway

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Some choices are easy. Some choices are hard. And some choices will break our hearts... When jaded movie director, Tyler Wentworth meets Mallory Hughes on the set of his latest movie, he immediately notices two things: she's too sweet and she's somehow familiar. But he has no time for mysteries - as long as she can do her job and continue to keep her notorious starlet out of trouble, she can keep her secrets. Mallory knows exactly who Tyler is, the young man she had a huge crush on has grown to a Hollywood heavy-weight. But the last thing she wants is to be associated with the shy, awkward girl she was then. She's here professionally, managing her troubled sister who has the talent to be the biggest star on screen, but a turbulent past. This is Bobbie's last and best shot, and Mallory will do nothing to jeopardise it. But as the filming begins, Mallory not only finds herself drawn more deeply to this grown-up Tyler, but that her attraction is more than reciprocated and she can't help herself from indulging in all of her girlish fantasies. However, when their pasts catch up, she is going to have to choose between the sister she's devoted her life to and the man who's won her heart.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonLashea677, Aanandita, NelisPelusa
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The girl who played in the shadows has slowly learned to fly. However, can she keep her head above water when confronted with the ghosts of her past? Bright lights, big city. Broken hearts, shattered dreams. Devoted blends the wonder of newly discovered love with the ugliness that secrets can breed. J.C. Harroway characters are never easy to love, but the blessing lies in the lessons they learn along the way.
( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
Received an ARC for my fair review for netgalley. It was a pretty good book, but there was a lot of emotional baggage to deal with. The main character Tyler, is directing a movie telling the story of his younger sister who died of a drug overdose, and he feels a lot of guilt with it, because he feels that he was the one who introduced her to to the entertainment industry, which led her introduction to drugs. With that guilt, his relationship with his parents is strained, and he does not does not have good thoughts on relationship, thanks to a horrible ex. Next we meet Mallory, and she is a nice person, loyal, shy, but unfortunately I feel she is a doormat, in regards to her sister, who she also feels responsible for after the death of her parents. Her sister Bobby, is a spoiled brat, who is also an actress and starring in Tyler's new movie, and she has also battled with drugs. When Tyler sees Mallory, she is familiar but he can't place it, and she is mortified because he was her long ago crush, and his sister was her baby sitter. They do give to the chemistry, but they have a lot of battles to overcome, a lot of issues, inner emotionally and out. I was happy that Mallory finally spoke up to her sister, and this book deals with a lot of stuff that tends to be overlooked, however, I am going to say, that for the stuff that they were dealing with, I think they had much more sex, than actually dealing with the issues. Some of it, I feel just glossed over, but again that is just me, you might feel differently. ( )
  NelisPelusa | Jul 5, 2017 |
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Some choices are easy. Some choices are hard. And some choices will break our hearts... When jaded movie director, Tyler Wentworth meets Mallory Hughes on the set of his latest movie, he immediately notices two things: she's too sweet and she's somehow familiar. But he has no time for mysteries - as long as she can do her job and continue to keep her notorious starlet out of trouble, she can keep her secrets. Mallory knows exactly who Tyler is, the young man she had a huge crush on has grown to a Hollywood heavy-weight. But the last thing she wants is to be associated with the shy, awkward girl she was then. She's here professionally, managing her troubled sister who has the talent to be the biggest star on screen, but a turbulent past. This is Bobbie's last and best shot, and Mallory will do nothing to jeopardise it. But as the filming begins, Mallory not only finds herself drawn more deeply to this grown-up Tyler, but that her attraction is more than reciprocated and she can't help herself from indulging in all of her girlish fantasies. However, when their pasts catch up, she is going to have to choose between the sister she's devoted her life to and the man who's won her heart.

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