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Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D

von Fabien Sanglard

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How was Wolfenstein 3D made and what were the secrets of its speed? How did id Software manage to turn a machine designed to display static images for word processing and spreadsheet applications into the best gaming platform in the world, capable of running games at seventy frames per seconds? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, Game Engine Black Book is for you. This is an engineering book. You will not find much prose in here (the author's English is broken anyway.) Instead, this book has only bit of text and plenty of drawings attempting to describe in great detail the Wolfenstein 3D game engine and its hardware, the IBM PC with an Intel 386 CPU and a VGA graphic card. Game Engine Black Book details techniques such as raycasting, compiled scalers, deferred rendition, VGA Mode-Y, linear feedback shift register, fixed point arithmetic, pulse width modulation, runtime generated code, self-modifying code, and many others tricks. Open up to discover the architecture of the software which pioneered the First Person Shooter genre.… (mehr)
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Awesome book on the history and hacks behind Wolfenstein 3d. Nostalgic, informative, and inspiring! ( )
  zeh | Jun 3, 2023 |
The topic (and history) is fun and the writing wasn't terrible. ( )
  eatonphil | May 8, 2022 |
Elég szűk rétegnek szól ez a könyv, a célközönség a szoftverfejlesztők kissé idősebb nemzedéke, akik a 90-es években játszottak a Wolfensteinnel és nosztalgiázni szeretnének. Megszólítva éreztem magam. A könyv lefutja a kötelező köröket: hogyan készült a szoftver, mekkora siker lett, mi lett a céggel, a fejlesztőkkel... A sokkal érdekesebb rész az a kód elemzése (C és assembly), ahol végigveszi a program szerkezetét, a főbb trükköket amivel elérték, hogy a mai szemmel nézve szörnyű lassú gépeken is gyorsan fusson a program. Itt tényleg rettentően jó ötleteket mutat be a könyv. Ahhoz, hogy megértsük a kódot, a korabeli hardvereket is bemutatja a könyv a limitációikkal együtt. ( )
  asalamon | Jun 29, 2019 |
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How was Wolfenstein 3D made and what were the secrets of its speed? How did id Software manage to turn a machine designed to display static images for word processing and spreadsheet applications into the best gaming platform in the world, capable of running games at seventy frames per seconds? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, Game Engine Black Book is for you. This is an engineering book. You will not find much prose in here (the author's English is broken anyway.) Instead, this book has only bit of text and plenty of drawings attempting to describe in great detail the Wolfenstein 3D game engine and its hardware, the IBM PC with an Intel 386 CPU and a VGA graphic card. Game Engine Black Book details techniques such as raycasting, compiled scalers, deferred rendition, VGA Mode-Y, linear feedback shift register, fixed point arithmetic, pulse width modulation, runtime generated code, self-modifying code, and many others tricks. Open up to discover the architecture of the software which pioneered the First Person Shooter genre.

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