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A Steep Price

von Robert Dugoni

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Reihen: Tracy Crosswhite (6)

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24315114,597 (4.04)17
"Called in to consult after a young woman disappears, Tracy Crosswhite has the uneasy feeling that this is no ordinary missing-persons case. When the body turns up in an abandoned well, Tracy's suspicions are confirmed. Estranged from her family, the victim had balked at an arranged marriage and had planned to attend graduate school. But someone cut her dreams short. Solving the mystery behind the murder isn't Tracy's only challenge. The detective is keeping a secret of her own: she's pregnant. And now her biggest fear seems to be coming true when a new detective arrives to replace her. Meanwhile, Tracy's colleague Vic Fazzio is about to take a fall after his investigation into the murder of a local community activist turns violent and leaves an invaluable witness dead. Two careers are on the line. And when more deadly secrets emerge, jobs might not be the only things at risk."--… (mehr)
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Robert Dugoni continues to hit all the right notes with the latest entry in the Tracy Crosswhite series, "A Steep Price". This around, the story delves into issues as varied as race, drugs, poverty, culture, education, pregnancy and workplace.

Tracy and her partner, Kins, are called in to help investigate the disappearance of a young University of Washington student. When her body is found at the bottom of an abandoned well not far from her home, the initial ruling is suicide. But Tracy's not buying it and investigates it as a murder.

Meanwhile, Faz and Del are assigned to the killing of a local mother and activist in a high crime neighborhood. Their investigation puts them at odds with both the community and the cartel that seems to run things. It also puts them into real danger.

The author keeps everything fluid and moving and real, including Tracy's conundrum about when and how to announce her pregnancy. As usual, the writing is crisp and clear and realistic, right down to the park I pass almost every day on the way to work.

Disclosure: Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing a free copy of this book in return for my honest review. ( )
  zot79 | Aug 20, 2023 |
Book 6 of the Tracy Crosswhite series did not disappoint!
In this installment, Tracy is 16 weeks pregnant, and is sure that a new officer, Andrea Gonzalez, has been hired to replace her. Instantly Tracy is suspicious. Meanwhile, Faz and Del are working the murder case of a woman shot, likely because she was a anti-drug activist. Tracy gets a call from a colleague asking her to look into the disappearance of an Indian woman, reported by her old roommate.
While dealing with personal issues, Tracy, Faz and the rest of the team navigate these changes and these cases, sometimes with mistakes, and other times with compassion.
Loved this one! ( )
  rmarcin | Jul 30, 2023 |
I really love this series. This time round we get to see more of Faz and Vera. I love the whole changing point of view thing. It's not something I usually like but in this series it just works. Or the author is just really talented. Not sure. Either way, awesome.

A mark of a good book is when you feel the characters emotions. And this is a great book. I felt happy, I felt sad. My heart broke for Vera and Faz. The book dragged me through all the emotions of all the characters. I've grown very fond of the A Team and their partners. Except Nolasco. He's an ass.

The cases were both interesting and while I thought I saw the twist coming it was not quite what I expected. Totally thought Gonzalez was dirty. And then I thought Francisco was undercover cop. On the other hand I partly guessed who killed Vita. I can't wait to read the next one. Hopefully it won't be too long of a wait. 4.5 stars. ( )
  funstm | Jun 27, 2023 |
Better than some, not as good as others in the series. I was much more involved in the Faz and Del story line than the Tracy one. Yes, I'll be reading the next one soon. ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
A STEEP PRICE is one of the best books I have read in this series. There was just something really engrossing about the mystery of the missing woman. I especially liked that the readers also got the missing woman's POV.

While Tracy is busy with the missing woman case is Vic Fazzio dealing with the murder of a local community activist. The investigations take a deadly turn and it could mean the end of Vic's career. Last, but not least is the fact that Tracy is pregnant and trying to hide it. She gets pretty pissed off when a new female cop arrives takes one look at Tracy and sees that she's pregnant. Could this mean that someone higher up knows about Tracy's condition and is planning on replacing her?

A STEEP PRICE is an engrossing new book in the Tracy Crosswhite series. I especially enjoyed the personal stuff in this book. It really made me feel for the characters as they both have to deal with police business as well as personal problems. This book really hit the spot for me and I can't wait to read the next one!

I want to thank Thomas & Mercer for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Robert DugoniHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Sutton-Smith, EmilyErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Wikipedia auf Englisch


"Called in to consult after a young woman disappears, Tracy Crosswhite has the uneasy feeling that this is no ordinary missing-persons case. When the body turns up in an abandoned well, Tracy's suspicions are confirmed. Estranged from her family, the victim had balked at an arranged marriage and had planned to attend graduate school. But someone cut her dreams short. Solving the mystery behind the murder isn't Tracy's only challenge. The detective is keeping a secret of her own: she's pregnant. And now her biggest fear seems to be coming true when a new detective arrives to replace her. Meanwhile, Tracy's colleague Vic Fazzio is about to take a fall after his investigation into the murder of a local community activist turns violent and leaves an invaluable witness dead. Two careers are on the line. And when more deadly secrets emerge, jobs might not be the only things at risk."--

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