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The Wrong Girl (John Taylor Book 3)

von Travis Starnes

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215,380,446 (4.5)Keine
Soldier-turned-missing persons specialist John Taylor is adjusting to his new life, putting the scars of his past behind him and doing what he can to make a difference. That new status quo is upended when a powerful Senator asks Taylor to find her wayward party girl daughter.What should have been a simple job escalates into a race against the clock as Taylor and his FBI girlfriend Loretta Whitaker work to get the girl back before she is taken out of the country and sold into a nightmare.The trail takes Taylor across the country and across borders as he tries to keep his promise to bring the girl home.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonpaswell, treehousereader
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REVIEW The style of Taylor’s missing person retrieval service is a little unorthodox but there is no doubt that it brings success. However, his relationship with his FBI girlfriend is sometimes stressed when he ignores most of the rules. I really enjoyed the quick pace even if Taylor did seem to possess extraordinary good luck. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

DESCRIPTION, NOT REVIEW: Soldier-turned-missing persons specialist John Taylor is adjusting to his new life, putting the scars of his past behind him and doing what he can to make a difference. That new status quo is upended when a powerful Senator asks Taylor to find her wayward party girl daughter.

What should have been a simple job escalates into a race against the clock as Taylor and his FBI girlfriend Loretta Whitaker work to get the girl back before she is taken out of the country and sold into a nightmare.

The trail takes Taylor across the country and across borders as he tries to keep his promise to bring the girl home. ( )
  treehousereader | Oct 16, 2017 |
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Soldier-turned-missing persons specialist John Taylor is adjusting to his new life, putting the scars of his past behind him and doing what he can to make a difference. That new status quo is upended when a powerful Senator asks Taylor to find her wayward party girl daughter.What should have been a simple job escalates into a race against the clock as Taylor and his FBI girlfriend Loretta Whitaker work to get the girl back before she is taken out of the country and sold into a nightmare.The trail takes Taylor across the country and across borders as he tries to keep his promise to bring the girl home.

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Travis Starnes ist ein LibraryThing-Autor, ein Autor, der seine persönliche Bibliothek in LibraryThing auflistet.

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Durchschnitt: (4.5)
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