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Long Isle Iced Tea

von Gina LaManna

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Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight . . . A childhood chant turns near deadly for Lily Locke when she's swept into The Faction's latest triumph-the overthrowing of the hidden, magical city of Wishery. When Ainsley and her team at MAGIC, Inc. beg Lily for her help, she agrees, taking on a load of problems that pile up faster than she can say Abracadabra. A new revolution in black magic stumps the island's burgeoning Mixologist, while a haunted house, a surprise birthday party, and rising familial troubles back on The Isle compete for her already-limited time and attention. Lily's barely hanging on by a thread, juggling life, love, and the pursuit of magic, when islanders start disappearing-one at a time. When a man warns her the next disappearance is imminent, Lily must crack the curse . . . before she's next. I wish I may, I wish I might . . . have the wish I wish tonight.… (mehr)
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Long isle iced tea

I always get so excited whenever I learn about Gina LaManna having a new book released. It doesn't matter which series, I love them! She has a fresh and lively way of writing that once I start reading a book of hers, I cannot put it down. Long Isle Iced Tea is another winner! Again, she has brought Lily and her island neighbors to life and I love them all. I don't have a favorite character. They each have their own charismatic personalities. I love stories of witches, shifters and magic. And all of those are right here in this book. Magic! Laughter! Suspense! Romance! If you like any of those, you'll find it here. But, if you like all of those and so much more, you are in luck, because they are all right here just waiting for you. I cannot recommend Long Isle Iced Tea enough. Just get the book. You'll see what I mean. ;) I wish I could live on an island just like the one in the book. That would be so cool!

I was given enough a free copy for an honest review. ( )
  topsailangel | Nov 9, 2017 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight . . . A childhood chant turns near deadly for Lily Locke when she's swept into The Faction's latest triumph-the overthrowing of the hidden, magical city of Wishery. When Ainsley and her team at MAGIC, Inc. beg Lily for her help, she agrees, taking on a load of problems that pile up faster than she can say Abracadabra. A new revolution in black magic stumps the island's burgeoning Mixologist, while a haunted house, a surprise birthday party, and rising familial troubles back on The Isle compete for her already-limited time and attention. Lily's barely hanging on by a thread, juggling life, love, and the pursuit of magic, when islanders start disappearing-one at a time. When a man warns her the next disappearance is imminent, Lily must crack the curse . . . before she's next. I wish I may, I wish I might . . . have the wish I wish tonight.

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