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The Upside of Falling Down

von Rebekah Crane

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1147249,619 (3.5)1
When Clementine wakes up in a hospital after being the only survivor in an airplane crash and discovers she cannot remember anything, she runs off with a stranger to avoid dealing with a father she does not recognize and the press coverage of the crash.
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Just a mediocre read, really. I had a little issue with the book's beginning. Despite the slow pace of the plot, the idea remains intriguing. I continued to the end even though I had pretty much lost interest. ( )
  JKJ94 | Jul 27, 2023 |
Silly and completely ridiculous but oddly likable. ( )
  SallyElizabethMurphy | Dec 7, 2021 |
Bailing at 56%. It's immature, repetitive, and boring. If I had been close to the end of the story when I got to 54% (as I thought I must be), I would have finished. I just can't be bothered with this much more.
  joyblue | Dec 8, 2019 |
This would have been a 4 star rating if the story/author didn't hate on the Steelers, just sayin! Besides that it was a great love story. The premise that an 18 year old girl is the only survivor in a plane crash in Ireland. She runs away to find herself and makes up a new persona. What results is her finding new friends and possibly a new love interest? I figured out the ending in the book with the little hints thrown here and there. Sweet ending that was tied up with a bow. ( )
  booklover3258 | Oct 24, 2019 |
3.5 Stars

A contemporary teen read that has great characters, an engaging plot, and good writing. I really like Clementine's and Kieran's relationship and felt the story was cute and charming. ( )
  Kristymk18 | Oct 29, 2018 |
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When Clementine wakes up in a hospital after being the only survivor in an airplane crash and discovers she cannot remember anything, she runs off with a stranger to avoid dealing with a father she does not recognize and the press coverage of the crash.

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