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The Pink Panther Clique

von Aisha Hall

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Fiction. African American Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Everybody knows that if you break the law and get caught, you go to prison. But what happens when the very same people that are supposed to enforce and uphold the law, are criminals themselves? Three strangers, Eshe, Milla, and Sun-Sole, meet under the worst circumstances possibleâ??behind bars. Prison isn't at all what they expected, and from the onset of their arrival, these three savvy boss chicks find themselves surrounded by disloyal snitches, set-ups, and scandalous drama. Determined to survive the system that enslaved them, these courageous women unite and embark on a mission to level the scales of justice. Will they survive the gruesome conditions of confinement, or will they fold under pressure?… (mehr)

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Fiction. African American Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Everybody knows that if you break the law and get caught, you go to prison. But what happens when the very same people that are supposed to enforce and uphold the law, are criminals themselves? Three strangers, Eshe, Milla, and Sun-Sole, meet under the worst circumstances possibleâ??behind bars. Prison isn't at all what they expected, and from the onset of their arrival, these three savvy boss chicks find themselves surrounded by disloyal snitches, set-ups, and scandalous drama. Determined to survive the system that enslaved them, these courageous women unite and embark on a mission to level the scales of justice. Will they survive the gruesome conditions of confinement, or will they fold under pressure?

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