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Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional

von Asheritah Ciuciu

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Family & Relationships. Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

How to focus on Christ during Advent

Most Christians agree that Christmas is all about Jesus, yet most of us spend little time preparing our hearts to celebrate Him. Why is this? Partly because we don't know how.

In Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, Asheritah Ciuciu leads readers through the four weeks of Advent (Hope, Preparation, Joy, and Love). Each week:

  • Begins with an interactive family devotional that equips readers to celebrate Advent together
  • Offers five daily reflections that focus on that week's name of Jesus
  • Includes suggestions for fun-filled family activities or service projects

This devotional can be used by readers in their own personal worship times or as a tool to engage in family worship during the busy holiday season. Either way, participants will gain a greater sense of awe and wonder at who Jesus is.

By focusing on the person and character of Jesus throughout the Advent season, readers will prepare their hearts so that when they admire the live nativity, sit in the candlelight service, or wake up on Christian morning, they can join the faithful who sing from the bottom of their hearts, "O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!"

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I have always been intensely interested in the names of Jesus and God. They aren’t just names they have much deeper means. I couldn’t wait to read this book! Right away the cover drew me in. It is so pretty and festive! I love the title too! Christmas is associated of course with the giving and opening of material gifts. While is nothing wrong with giving and receiving gifts, unfortunately it has become the focus of the holiday instead of Christ’s birth. We forget to “unwrap” the greatest gift we will ever receive, Jesus!
There are 4 weeks devotionals divided into five days each and one for Christmas day. Everyday centers around a name of Jesus. The 4 sections begin with an introduction and lighting the advent candle. Verses to read, discussion questions and a suggested Christmas carol to sing. These are a great start for the ones that follow. The daily devotions are short but well written and include scriptures. At the end of all of them is a prayer, a challenge and more scriptures to study. (I like that!) When you finish the 5 days, there is more!! Listed are service focused activities to choose from that your family can together that focus on Christ.
This book is beautiful inside and out! It adds so much meaning to celebrating Christmas!
It would be great for a family, group, or personal study to be used year after year! I wish I could give Ms. Ciuciu’s book 6 stars! I found it inspiring and a great blessing!
I received a free copy of this devotional in exchange for my review. I was not required to give a positive review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own. ( )
  Mizroady | Dec 6, 2017 |
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Family & Relationships. Christian Nonfiction. Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:

How to focus on Christ during Advent

Most Christians agree that Christmas is all about Jesus, yet most of us spend little time preparing our hearts to celebrate Him. Why is this? Partly because we don't know how.

In Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, Asheritah Ciuciu leads readers through the four weeks of Advent (Hope, Preparation, Joy, and Love). Each week:

Begins with an interactive family devotional that equips readers to celebrate Advent together Offers five daily reflections that focus on that week's name of Jesus Includes suggestions for fun-filled family activities or service projects

This devotional can be used by readers in their own personal worship times or as a tool to engage in family worship during the busy holiday season. Either way, participants will gain a greater sense of awe and wonder at who Jesus is.

By focusing on the person and character of Jesus throughout the Advent season, readers will prepare their hearts so that when they admire the live nativity, sit in the candlelight service, or wake up on Christian morning, they can join the faithful who sing from the bottom of their hearts, "O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!"


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