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Loving Storm

von Carian Cole

Reihen: Ashes & Embers (5)

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393655,423 (3.86)Keine
Evie: I met him in a snowstorm . . . We spent forty-eight hours trapped in the back of his pickup truck. We fought. We touched. We fell. Hard. Storm: She literally crashed into my life . . . The last thing I wanted was a relationship. Especially with a quirky chick who drove me insane. But something about her got under my skin, and into my heart. And I had to have her. All of her. Now. Falling in love in the back of a truck, just the two of us, was easy. Dealing with psycho fans, jealous exes, and demons from the past . . . not so easy.… (mehr)
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Novella. It's an addition to the series, you must have read the previous books to enjoy it properly.
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
4.25 stars

What a wonderful conclusion to Storm. I love all of these characters and feel like they are all real.

Anxious to read about Asher next. ( )
  MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
A short novella, wrapping up the happiness that was found between Storm and Evie. This is a follow up, which means you should read Storm, for sure before reading this. This is a light happy book, so it's total pick me up. Carian Cole writes the best characters and you get sucked right into the book. So if you have read the rest of the series, read this, if you haven't read the rest then what the heck are you waiting for?!? Read em, and then grab this and enjoy. I know I did.

( )
  KGarner | Aug 4, 2018 |
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Evie: I met him in a snowstorm . . . We spent forty-eight hours trapped in the back of his pickup truck. We fought. We touched. We fell. Hard. Storm: She literally crashed into my life . . . The last thing I wanted was a relationship. Especially with a quirky chick who drove me insane. But something about her got under my skin, and into my heart. And I had to have her. All of her. Now. Falling in love in the back of a truck, just the two of us, was easy. Dealing with psycho fans, jealous exes, and demons from the past . . . not so easy.

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