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The Tennis Partner von Abraham Verghese
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The Tennis Partner (1999. Auflage)

von Abraham Verghese

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
6821935,158 (3.97)83
Biography & Autobiography. Medical. Psychology. Nonfiction. HTML:

An unforgettable, illuminating story of how men live and how they survive, from Abraham Verghese, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of Cutting for Stone and The Covenant of Water, an Oprah's Book Club Pick.

"Heartbreaking. . . . Indelible and haunting, [The Tennis Partner] is an elegy to friendship found, and an ode to a good friend lost."The Boston Globe

When Abraham Verghese, a physician whose marriage is unraveling, relocates to El Paso, Texas, he hopes to make a fresh start as a staff member at the county hospital. There he meets David Smith, a medical student recovering from drug addiction, and the two men begin a tennis ritual that allows them to shed their inhibitions and find security in the sport they love and with each other. This friendship between doctor and intern grows increasingly rich and complex, more intimate than two men usually allow. Just when it seems nothing can go wrong, the dark beast from David's past emerges once again—and almost everything Verghese has come to trust and believe in is threatened as David spirals out of control.

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Titel:The Tennis Partner
Autoren:Abraham Verghese
Info:Harper Perennial (1999), Paperback
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


The Tennis Partner von Abraham Verghese

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Beautifully written as always, sad and luminous. ( )
  bostonbibliophile | Jun 15, 2021 |
I feel for the author and I appreciate what he was trying for but the metaphors felt forced and David was a turd. ( )
  Seafox | Jul 24, 2019 |
This was wonderful - liked it better than My Own Country. ( )
  bobbieharv | Jul 15, 2019 |
A memoir about a friendship, the practice of medicine, addiction, relationships and tennis. I found this an interesting read and well written. ( )
  Cricket856 | Jan 25, 2016 |
This was very good! It is mostly the story of a doctor and his troubled protege/friend. I also enjoyed the tennis references as both a player and fan of the pros. ( )
  nljacobs | Jan 19, 2016 |
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For my sons, Steven, Jacob, and Tristan,
and especially for Sylvia
In memory of David Smith, M.D., 1959-1994,
James Searcy, 1936-1995,
and Adolph Sanchez, 1950-1996
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He had started rounds at five-thirty in the morning, working his way from one room to the next, writing progress notes as he went.
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Biography & Autobiography. Medical. Psychology. Nonfiction. HTML:

An unforgettable, illuminating story of how men live and how they survive, from Abraham Verghese, the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of Cutting for Stone and The Covenant of Water, an Oprah's Book Club Pick.

"Heartbreaking. . . . Indelible and haunting, [The Tennis Partner] is an elegy to friendship found, and an ode to a good friend lost."The Boston Globe

When Abraham Verghese, a physician whose marriage is unraveling, relocates to El Paso, Texas, he hopes to make a fresh start as a staff member at the county hospital. There he meets David Smith, a medical student recovering from drug addiction, and the two men begin a tennis ritual that allows them to shed their inhibitions and find security in the sport they love and with each other. This friendship between doctor and intern grows increasingly rich and complex, more intimate than two men usually allow. Just when it seems nothing can go wrong, the dark beast from David's past emerges once again—and almost everything Verghese has come to trust and believe in is threatened as David spirals out of control.


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