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The bride of the tomb and Queenies terrible secret

von Alexander McVeigh Miller

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If you're looking for non-stop action paired with over-the-top melodrama, dive into the pair of potboilers collected in The Bride of the Tomb and Queenie's Terrible Secret. In the first story, hours before her wedding, lovely Lily Lawrence takes her own life. But through a series of unusual clues, it soon becomes clear that all is not as it seems. The mystery veers into fantastical territory that will surprise even the most attentive reader. Queenie's Terrible Secret offers a glimpse into the inner world of Queenie, who is much more than the spoiled debutante she appears to be.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonamyem58
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The Bride of the Tomb.
9 June 2014
25 June 2014

All I could have hoped for an more. Vast drippings of overwrought melodrama, a heroine who swoons at a moment's notice, evil villians, thwarted weddings, a prisoner in a dundgeon, poisonings and just about everything!

Queenie's Terrible Secret
2 July 2014
10 July 2014

Just as much overwrought as The Bride of the Tomb, with several of the same plot points but a bit over God-y for me. Still, plenty of laugh out loud melodrama and crazy wild coincidences and all the rest of the good stuff. Suprisingly enough, everyone lived happily ever after. Well, except for the uneeded husband and disposable second wife.
  amyem58 | Jul 3, 2014 |
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If you're looking for non-stop action paired with over-the-top melodrama, dive into the pair of potboilers collected in The Bride of the Tomb and Queenie's Terrible Secret. In the first story, hours before her wedding, lovely Lily Lawrence takes her own life. But through a series of unusual clues, it soon becomes clear that all is not as it seems. The mystery veers into fantastical territory that will surprise even the most attentive reader. Queenie's Terrible Secret offers a glimpse into the inner world of Queenie, who is much more than the spoiled debutante she appears to be.

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