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Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon…
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Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup: The Story of Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos Scandal (Original 2018; 2023. Auflage)

von John Carreyrou (Autor)

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2,7921915,362 (4.31)98
In 2014, Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes was widely seen as the female Steve Jobs: a brilliant Stanford dropout whose startup "unicorn" promised to revolutionize the medical industry with a machine that would make blood tests significantly faster and easier. Backed by investors such as Larry Ellison and Tim Draper, Theranos sold shares in a fundraising round that valued the company at $9 billion, putting Holmes's worth at an estimated $4.7 billion. There was just one problem: The technology didn't work. For years, Holmes had been misleading investors, FDA officials, and her own employees. When John Carreyrou, working at The Wall Street Journal, got a tip from a former Theranos employee and started asking questions, both Carreyrou and the Journal were threatened with lawsuits. Undaunted, the newspaper ran the first of dozens of Theranos articles in late 2015. By early 2017, the company's value was zero and Holmes faced potential legal action from the government and her investors. The biggest corporate fraud since Enron is a cautionary tale set amid the bold promises and gold-rush frenzy of Silicon Valley.… (mehr)
Titel:Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup: The Story of Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos Scandal
Autoren:John Carreyrou (Autor)
Info:Picador (2023), 353 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup von John Carreyrou (2018)

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_Fascinating_, although the author seemed to rely overmuch on stereotypes when describing some people. ( )
  antislice | Aug 19, 2024 |
This book was absolutely fantastic. Tore through an audiobook version in a few days. Reads like a thriller. ( )
  stefanielozinski | Aug 17, 2024 |
#BookReview #LongRantAlert

Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
Author: John Carreyrou
Genre: Investigative nonfiction, True Crime

Imagine this. Right since childhood, you have had this burning desire to become a billionaire. You have your marketing plan ready, you have your investments ready, you have the external showy infrastructure ready, you have your personal PR portfolio ready,... The only thing not ready is the most crucial necessity: the product itself. What do you do then? Fake it till you make it. That's what Elizabeth Holmes did with Theranos.

This book reveals the bloodthirsty (pun intended) ambition of Elizabeth Holmes, the young founder of Theranos, a healthcare corporation established in 2003 and so grandiose in its plans and marketing aggression that its peak valuation was about $10 billion in 2013 and 2014.

Holmes named Theranos combining the words “therapy” and “diagnosis". Having a wealthy and reputed family helped her get the seed investments as well as the credibility, in spite of being a college dropout. Joining her as her right-hand man, both professionally in Theranos and personally in a secret romantic liaison, was Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani, an Indian-American businessman 20 years her senior and with no background in or knowledge of the healthcare industry.

Theranos purported to revolutionise blood testing. It claimed to have devised multiple blood tests that required only a few drops of blood taken by pinprick from your finger and could be run in the company-developed device named Edison. However, the claims later proved to be false. Theranos went defunct in September 2018. Holmes and Balwani, who keep claiming that they are not guilty, are currently facing a trial on multiple charges of fraud and conspiracy. The trial was due to begin in October 2020 but has been pushed ahead to March 2021 because of the covid pandemic.

John Carreyrou, the author of this book, is a two-time Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter at the Wall Street Journal. He first cast shadows on the shiny public facade of Theranos with his WSJ article on its fraudulent activities in 2015. Among those providing him with crucial insider information are various ex-employees of Theranos who reveal such shocking facts about the corporation that you struggle to accept the lies and deception. It just goes to show that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

Elizabeth Holmes comes across as a strangely competitive, intelligent and paranoid woman. One ought to give credit to her inventiveness. Her medical ideas are original if nothing else. The idea of obtaining reliable test results from just 50 microlitres (0.05 ml) of blood drawn from a finger pinprick rather than veinous draws, the idea of using an arm patch to diagnose and treat medical conditions, the keen business eye to spot where the Edison device could be potentially used, ... All are a perfect combination of medicine, engineering, technology and management strategy. If only her inventiveness had come with a iota of integrity and didn't overflow into lies that she herself seems to believe at times! She could have proved herself a worthy role model by becoming the first female Silicon Valley billionaire, but unfortunately, her ideas were all fizz and no substance, and her moral code was defective.

Ramesh Balwani seems to suffer from the same delusions as typical traditional Indian bosses do: your working hours are more important than the work you do, your life belongs to the company as it pays you a salary, your boss can fire you anyway he seems fit (and I mean "fire" in both its verb forms), and you can butter your way to the top. He comes across as a pompous jerk who bullied his opinions onto subordinates and simply wanted yes men around him. He reminded me of every bad boss I've worked with.

For those who want to take the easy way out, there is a 2019 documentary named "The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley". The documentary gives you a pretty good look at Elizabeth Holmes, Ramesh Balwani, and some of the whistleblowers of Theranos, but at about 90 minutes long, it isn't as comprehensive as the book. Go for both if you can to get a comprehensive picture.

I've read two books this year related to whistleblowing in the medical industry. One was an Indian company with an Indian founder and an American CEO. The other was an American company with an American founder and an Indian CEO. Both companies were equally guilty of exaggerating their accomplishments and going beyond ethical limits. Makes you wonder, where will people draw the line of integrity if they can't even stop playing with others' lives in their greed for money and fame!

There are many reasons why this book is an engrossing read and worth your time. But if you ever need a book on how NOT to run a company/business, let this book be your Bible.

Join me on the Facebook group, Readers Forever!, for more reviews, book-related discussions and fun. ( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
(Available as Print: ©5/21/2018; PUBLISHER: Knopf; ISBN: 978-1524731656; PAGES: 352; Unabridged.)
(Available as Digital: Yes)

*This version: Audio : ©5/21/2018; PUBLISHER: Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group; DURATION: 11:41:54; FILE SIZE: 334544 KB; Unabridged

(Feature Film or tv: There is a documentary as well as a film version that is In the making.)

Series: No

I saw the print version of this while in my favorite bookstore, Newport Beach Public Library’s Friends Used Books, and overheard a fellow-patron who’d spotted it as well, telling the volunteers how thoroughly he enjoyed this book. Indeed, he claimed it was his all-time favorite (and this fellow was around MY age, no Spring chicken). He was asking the volunteer if she was familiar with it and with the case that was currently in the news which the book focuses on. The volunteer was aware, but wasn’t interested in hearing about the book. I got a sense of disapproval on her part, but of what (Book? Author? Biographee?) Anyway, I made a mental note to check my Los Angeles Public Library’s (LAPL) Overdrive for the audio version, and, when I did, was thrilled to find I didn’t even need to place a hold. . . .not for the first check-out. By the time I needed to renew it however, I would have, had I not been rescued by my other favorite library’s (Palos Verdes Library District) Overdrive. I suspect by this time the news had been more regularly airing snippets and the fact that a verdict on the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos trial was going to run over into the new year.
Even if you have no interest in medical devices/technology; business, startup companies, or white collar crime, this book is fascinating, not to mention exceedingly well written.

John Carreyrou: According to Wikipedia, “John Carreyrou (/ˌkæriˈruː/)[1] is a French-American journalist and writer who worked for The Wall Street Journal for 20 years between 1999 and 2019[2] and has been based in Brussels, Paris, and New York City. He has won the Pulitzer Prize twice and is well known for having exposed the fraudulent practices of the multibillion-dollar blood-testing company Theranos in a series of articles published in the Wall Street Journal. . . . A book-length treatment titled Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup (2018)[34] won the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award.[35] A film version is in the works starring Jennifer Lawrence, written by Vanessa Taylor, and directed by Adam McKay.[36] . . .”

Will Damron: According to Tantor Media, “Will Damron is an Audie Award–nominated narrator who has recorded books in every genre, from science fiction and fantasy to romance, YA, and nonfiction. Raised in rural southern Virginia, he has appeared Off-Broadway and on stage and screen throughout the country. He lives in Los Angeles, California.”
VERY good narration here.

Biography; Biography; Nonfiction; Technology

Palo Alto


Family; Start-ups; Nepotism; Business; Medical Devices; Labs; Blood tests; fraud; criminal; politicians; celebrities; marketing; Theranos (firm) history; hematologic equipment; industry; Economics; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Biomedical; technology and engineering; trade secrets; whistle blowers; Elizabeth Holmes; deceit; management; ambition; venture capital

I didn’t see one in the digital sample on Amazon.

From the Prologue
"November 17, 2006
Tim Kemp had good news for his team.
The former IBM executive was in charge of bioinformatics at Theranos, a startup with a cutting-edge blood-testing system. The company had just completed its first big live demonstration for a pharmaceutical company. Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos's twenty-two-year-old founder, had flown to Switzerland and shown off the system's capabilities to executives at Noartis, the European drug giant.
'Elizabeth called me this morning,' Kemp wrote in an email to his fifteen-person team. 'She expressed her thanks and said that, 'it went perfect!' She specifically asked me to thank you and let you all know her appreciation. She additionally mentioned that Novartis was so impressed that they have asked for a proposal and have expressed interest in a financial arrangement for a project. We did what we came to do!'
This was a pivotal moment for Theranos. The three-year-old startup had progressed from an ambitious idea Holmes had dreamed up in her Stanford dorm room to an actual product a huge multinational corporation was interested in using.
Word of the demo's success made its way upstairs to the second floor, where senior executives offices were located.
One of those executives was Henry Mosley, Theranos's chief financial officer. Mosley had jointed Theranos eight months earlier, in March, 2006. A rumpled dresser with piercing green eyes and a laid-back personality, he was a veteran of Silicon Valley's technology scene. . . ."

5 stars. GREAT book.

12/27/2021 – 1/25/2022 ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
Surprisingly readable investigative story. I was worried that there would be too many characters to keep track of, but each chapter concentrates on a certain group that then disappears from focus (often because they get fired).
( )
  Levitara | Apr 5, 2024 |
The author’s description of Holmes as a manic leader who turned coolly hostile when challenged is ripe material for a psychologist; Carreyrou wisely lets the evidence speak for itself. As presented here, Holmes harbored delusions of grandeur but couldn’t cope with the messy realities of bioengineering. Swathed in her own reality distortion field, she dressed in black turtlenecks to emulate her idol Jobs and preached that the Theranos device was “the most important thing humanity has ever built.” Employees were discouraged from questioning this cultish orthodoxy by her “ruthlessness” and her “culture of fear.” Secrecy was obsessive. Labs and doors were equipped with fingerprint scanners.
hinzugefügt von danielx | bearbeitenNew York Times, Roger Lowenstein (Jan 6, 2018)

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In 2014, Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes was widely seen as the female Steve Jobs: a brilliant Stanford dropout whose startup "unicorn" promised to revolutionize the medical industry with a machine that would make blood tests significantly faster and easier. Backed by investors such as Larry Ellison and Tim Draper, Theranos sold shares in a fundraising round that valued the company at $9 billion, putting Holmes's worth at an estimated $4.7 billion. There was just one problem: The technology didn't work. For years, Holmes had been misleading investors, FDA officials, and her own employees. When John Carreyrou, working at The Wall Street Journal, got a tip from a former Theranos employee and started asking questions, both Carreyrou and the Journal were threatened with lawsuits. Undaunted, the newspaper ran the first of dozens of Theranos articles in late 2015. By early 2017, the company's value was zero and Holmes faced potential legal action from the government and her investors. The biggest corporate fraud since Enron is a cautionary tale set amid the bold promises and gold-rush frenzy of Silicon Valley.

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