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Free Chocolate (2018)

von Amber Royer

Weitere Autoren: Siehe Abschnitt Weitere Autoren.

Reihen: The Chocoverse (1)

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513519,616 (3)2
"Latina culinary arts student, Bo Benitez, becomes a fugitive when she's caught stealing a cacao pod from one of the heavily-defended plantations that keep chocolate, Earth's sole valuable export, safe from a hungry galaxy. Forces array against her including her alien boyfriend and a reptilian cop. But when she escapes onto an unmarked starship things go from bad to worse: it belongs to the race famed throughout the galaxy for eating stowaways! Surrounded by dangerous yet hunky aliens, Bo starts to uncover clues that the threat to Earth may be bigger than she first thought."--Goodreads.… (mehr)
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I struggled with this book. I wanted to like it more than I did because the premise sounded clever and funny, but the execution just got on my nerves. Bo Benitez is a culinary student who gets caught up in international intrigue when she steals cacao beans – a tightly controlled commodity because chocolate is highly coveted by aliens. Bo’s alien boyfriend talks her into stealing the cacao, and somehow she manages to stumble her way through a heist with little to no preparation or planning.

After she barely escapes the cacao facility with her life, she stumbles from one catastrophe to the next. The cover sells the book as a “space opera crossed with a soap opera,” and the pacing definitely reflects that. Bo ends up in one terrible situation after another, oftentimes while pining after one of several potential romantic prospects.

The author includes Spanish phrases through, presumably to give the book a multicultural feel, and it mostly works, although it was a bit much at times. A far more annoying trope is Bo calling out her “prey instinct” every time she runs into a dangerous alien.

I spent two and a half months reading this book in fits and starts, and only finished it because I brought it with me on a flight to Minnesota. ( )
  unsquare | Feb 16, 2021 |
when I saw this was described as a soap opera and the main character is literally called Bodacious Babe Benitez, I knew it was going to be a wild ride, and I was right

longer review to come later ( )
  runtimeregan | Jun 12, 2019 |
Fast-paced but soap-opera-slow space telenovela that's fun, light, and takes some getting used to, but which I didn’t want to end. ( )
  morbusiff | Sep 20, 2018 |

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Amber RoyerHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Shen, MingchenUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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"Latina culinary arts student, Bo Benitez, becomes a fugitive when she's caught stealing a cacao pod from one of the heavily-defended plantations that keep chocolate, Earth's sole valuable export, safe from a hungry galaxy. Forces array against her including her alien boyfriend and a reptilian cop. But when she escapes onto an unmarked starship things go from bad to worse: it belongs to the race famed throughout the galaxy for eating stowaways! Surrounded by dangerous yet hunky aliens, Bo starts to uncover clues that the threat to Earth may be bigger than she first thought."--Goodreads.

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