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Hi-Five Animals!

von Ross Burach

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553485,957 (4.4)Keine
Greet animals, including a crocodile, a lion, a skunk (hold your nose), and an octopus with a hi-five.
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{My thoughts} – This book is amazing. Currently my two year old daughter is in love with hi-fiving anyone and everyone. She will put her hand up and say “four” but we know what she means. This book allows her to interact with whomever is reading to her and lets her hi-five all sorts of great animals as the story is being read!

The word and the illustrations go hand and hand. It is a fast but fun read and as I’ve said my daughter loves it. I am sure that special child in your life will too!

I think this this book is wonderful and that it will make a great addition to any child’s bookshelf! ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
"Greet animals, including a crocodile, a lion, a skunk (hold your nose), and an octopus with a hi-five."--Publisher's description.

Cartoon style depictions of colorful animals in high five positions with speech bubble dialogue boxes make this a fun read-aloud! Get your little one high-fiving this book because it is colorful and engaging! ( )
  SWONclear | Dec 4, 2019 |
This is promoted as a "Never Bored book!" and it is definitely not boring! Get those hands ready, because it's hi-five time!

In a series of brightly colored pictures, little readers have the opportunity to hi-five a variety of animals, from a crocodile to a shark, penguin to a polar bear. Not just regular hi-fives though, a round the back polar bear paw slap, lots of monkey paws - don't leave them hanging! and a good foot-stomping trunk slap are just a few of the fun options. The animals are goofy cartoons with exaggerated paws, trunks, and flippers that swing across blocks of color on the pages, yellow, blue, and green.

Additional instructions to growl, stomp, roar, or swing are included as well, adding to the fun of this bright little board book. It's a nice, solid square with high-contrast colors that will appeal to babies and toddlers alike.

Verdict: A must-have for your board book section, if you can afford to invest in a big set of these they'd make an awesome lapsit or toddler storytime choice.

ISBN: 9781338245677; Published August 2018 by Scholastic; Borrowed from another library in my consortium
  JeanLittleLibrary | Mar 9, 2019 |
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Greet animals, including a crocodile, a lion, a skunk (hold your nose), and an octopus with a hi-five.

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