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When Least Expected

von Allison B. Hanson

Reihen: Blue Ridge (1)

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413,516,283 (4.5)Keine
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Whispering breezes, clear mountain lakes—and her ex.
Alexis Montgomery thought her marriage was fine. Sure, they were going through hard times, struggling to get pregnant—but she and Ian had chemistry, friendship, and love. Or so she thought, until she found the separation agreement waiting for her on the countertop.
Ian Montgomery feels like life is spinning out of his control. He's got a new girlfriend, even if he can't remember why he's supposed to want one. His family clearly likes his ex-wife more than they like him. And then he inherits the romantic family cabin in the rolling Blue Ridge Mountains, where he and Alexis honeymooned. Or rather, they both inherit it. Together.
A weekend alone with fresh air and fresh wounds seems like the worst thing that could happen to an ex-couple trying to keep it civil. But life is full of surprises—and Ian and Alexis are in for a big one...
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Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonkbranfield, MaryMeg, Lashea677, Yak_Litsy
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Lex and Ian were going to be together for the rest of their lives. So in love, neither expected anything could get in the way of their happiness. But life has a way of sneaking up on a person. The good and the bad. Will they find the way back to one another? When Least Expected by Allison B. Hanson is about facing regret, learning how to forgive and admitting as well as coming to terms with past mistakes. Neither character is completely blameless and each needs to realize the part their actions played. I received When Least Expected in exchange for an honest review. Am always a fan of a story with a little matchmaking. The twist of it being from beyond was a hoot. Thanks NetGalley and Kensington for bringing a wonderful new author to my attention. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Whispering breezes, clear mountain lakes—and her ex.
Alexis Montgomery thought her marriage was fine. Sure, they were going through hard times, struggling to get pregnant—but she and Ian had chemistry, friendship, and love. Or so she thought, until she found the separation agreement waiting for her on the countertop.
Ian Montgomery feels like life is spinning out of his control. He's got a new girlfriend, even if he can't remember why he's supposed to want one. His family clearly likes his ex-wife more than they like him. And then he inherits the romantic family cabin in the rolling Blue Ridge Mountains, where he and Alexis honeymooned. Or rather, they both inherit it. Together.
A weekend alone with fresh air and fresh wounds seems like the worst thing that could happen to an ex-couple trying to keep it civil. But life is full of surprises—and Ian and Alexis are in for a big one...

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