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Iris After the Incident (Chic Manila) (Volume 8)

von Mina V. Esguerra

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Which moment has defined your life so far? Whether she likes it or not, Iris's life has been divided into two: Before the Incident, and After the Incident. Something very private was made very public, and since then life has been about recovering from being shamed, discovering her true friends, and struggling to find a new normal. Two years into this new life and she finally connects with a guy again. He lives in the apartment down the hall, he's hot, and he doesn't look at her that way. He doesn't know what happened. But he also won't give her his name, not right away-which has to mean he's got something to hide too. Iris wants to start over. Should she do that with the only person who will understand, or is this the exact same decision that got her in trouble in the first place?… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonMalaraa, xicanti, Yak_Litsy
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Overall, glad I read it. Worked fine as a standalone, although I could tell there were a few references that had to be to other books in the series, I didn't really feel like I was missing anything important with them. I normally like there to be more to a story than modern girl meets modern boy and normal modern things happen, but that's just my preference for fantasy asserting itself. :) Was still a fun little book.
( )
  Malaraa | Apr 26, 2022 |
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Which moment has defined your life so far? Whether she likes it or not, Iris's life has been divided into two: Before the Incident, and After the Incident. Something very private was made very public, and since then life has been about recovering from being shamed, discovering her true friends, and struggling to find a new normal. Two years into this new life and she finally connects with a guy again. He lives in the apartment down the hall, he's hot, and he doesn't look at her that way. He doesn't know what happened. But he also won't give her his name, not right away-which has to mean he's got something to hide too. Iris wants to start over. Should she do that with the only person who will understand, or is this the exact same decision that got her in trouble in the first place?

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