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Spend It!

von Cinders McLeod

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Sonny's mother teaches him that he cannot buy everything with his allowance, but must choose what is really important to him.
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The overall take away from this book was to spend money in moderation. Rabbit wanted everything but he had to choose what he was going to spend his 3 carrots on. The things he wanted costed either 2 or 3 carrots she he had to decide which one he could afford to buy. In the end, Rabbit ended up spending two of his carrots on a pogo stick and saving one of the carrots. ( )
  AlexaBavido | Nov 18, 2019 |
This was a very cute book about a bunny spending carrots. He realizes he needs to earn enough carrots to get what he wants, so he has to choose the one thing he really wants. ( )
  ogonzales | Nov 18, 2019 |
This is a cute book that teaches children simple math and money concepts. The bunny wants to buy it all but only has three carrots so he has to decide on what to buy. He wants the bouncy castle but when he finds out it is one hundred carrots he quickly changes his mind. The bunny decides to buy the pogo stick instead. This is a great book to introduce to children about money and decision making. ( )
  KRWallace | Nov 14, 2019 |
Spend It! was definitely a book I will use in my future classroom. As a child, my school did not teach me financial literacy or anything important about money. I basically have had to learn it on my own and with my parents showing me. Spend It is definitely a book that shows how to save your money and buy something with your best decision. I will 100% use this in my class to show students the importance of saving up and making good decisions when purchasing something. ( )
  jlcrews | Nov 14, 2019 |
McLeod's first Moneybunny book featured a little girl bunny who wanted to be a famous singer but learns that hard work is the only way to get anywhere. The next title, featuring a little boy bunny named Sonny, clicked with me much more and it's one I can see recommending frequently to parents.

Sonny, an exuberant gray bunny with a striped shirt, blue shorts, and long ears, gets his allowance of three carrots every Saturday. He wants to buy EVERYTHING but he doesn't have enough carrots. His mom calmly tells him he will have to make a choice about what's important and goes back to raking leaves. Sonny does some basic math - he wants three things, he has three carrots, but his mom tells him he has to think it through a little more! The things he wants cost more than one carrot each. After some hard though, he decides on a pogo stick, which costs three carrots, and is happy with his choice.

This is a very simple introduction to the concept of buying things. The simple illustrations are humorous and don't detract from the lesson of the story, that Sonny has to make a choice about what he will spend his money on. Of course, the concept can be a lot more complicated, especially for kids who don't get an allowance, but this is a good, easy introduction for preschoolers about how money works. Future titles will cover saving and giving money.

Verdict: There are very few picture books covering money for the preschool crowd. Match this one with Lemonade in winter and Pretty Penny (now out of print) for a good beginning lesson on handling money.

ISBN: 9780399544460; Published March 2019 by Penguin; Review copy provided by publisher; Donated to the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Apr 28, 2019 |
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Sonny's mother teaches him that he cannot buy everything with his allowance, but must choose what is really important to him.

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