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The Peace Dragon (Peace Dragon Tales)

von Linda Ragsdale

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The Peace Dragon tells the tale of an unlikely friendship and encourages us to always keep our eyes and our hearts open.
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This is a story about tolerance, not jumping to conclusions and spreading love and peace.

Sherwyn is a young boy who love adventures. One day while playing, he pulls on a stick. The stick is actually a dragon and his first reaction is fear. As he talks to Omani, the Peace Dragon, and looks closely at his heart shaped scales, his opinion changes and he begins to trust Omani. When he takes this homeless dragon home, the villagers assume they are being attacked by a scary dragon and take up their weapons to attack. Sherwyn places himself in front of Omani to stop the crowd. I love how the illustrator showed the shadows of the mob looking like a scary dragon, more scary than Omani was. When Sherwyn convinces the crowd that the dragon only wants a peaceful place to live, they back off and he finally finds a safe place to live and call home. With colorful illustrations featuring a loving dragon and her new friend, this story might teach children about acceptance, not jumping to conclusions, and just being kind and how that will go a long way. A great book for schools and home when teaching children about these things. The publisher, Flowerpot Press, generously provided me with a copy of this book to read. The rating, opinions, and ideas shared are my own. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
Hearts, and scales, and dragons oh my. What a wonderful story and a wonderful lesson. Take time to learn and know about someone/something before snapping to judgment. You just might find love. I have found love with this book. And I can see many teachers, and librarians using it for lessons, and boards, and crafts. Yeahhhh ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Oct 11, 2018 |
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The Peace Dragon tells the tale of an unlikely friendship and encourages us to always keep our eyes and our hearts open.

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