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Kindred Spirits: Royal Mile

von Jennifer C. Wilson

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The bestselling Kindred Spirits series continues... Along Edinburgh's historic Royal Mile, royalty and commoners - living and dead - mingle amongst the museums, cafés and former royal residences. From Castle Hill to Abbey Strand, there is far more going on than meets the eye, as ghosts of every era and background make their home along the Mile. Returning to the city for her annual visit, Mary, Queen of Scots, is troubled by the lacklustre attitude of her father, King James V of Scotland, and decides to do something about it, with the aid of her spiritual companions. More troubling, though, is the arrival of a constant thorn in her side: her second husband, Lord Darnley. Can Mary resolve both her own issues and those of her small, ghostly court?… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt, ChrisCaz, Michelle.Ryles, mvr1426, bithexe
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Even death isn't easy

Even if you are a queen. Another fun and whimsical book about our favorite monarchs and other surprising spirits along the way. Reading these stories is like meeting up with old friends. ( )
  ChrisCaz | Feb 23, 2021 |
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The bestselling Kindred Spirits series continues... Along Edinburgh's historic Royal Mile, royalty and commoners - living and dead - mingle amongst the museums, cafés and former royal residences. From Castle Hill to Abbey Strand, there is far more going on than meets the eye, as ghosts of every era and background make their home along the Mile. Returning to the city for her annual visit, Mary, Queen of Scots, is troubled by the lacklustre attitude of her father, King James V of Scotland, and decides to do something about it, with the aid of her spiritual companions. More troubling, though, is the arrival of a constant thorn in her side: her second husband, Lord Darnley. Can Mary resolve both her own issues and those of her small, ghostly court?

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