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Stolen Things (2019)

von R. H. Herron

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12913219,194 (3.21)1
When the daughter of a local police chief and dispatcher makes a horrific 911 call, the whole town jumps into action. JoJo is disorientated; she has been raped and beaten at the home of pro footballer Kevin Leeds. She doesn't know what happened to Kevin's trainer, whose beaten corpse is also discovered in the house. And she has no idea where her best friend Harper, who was with her earlier in the evening, could be. When Jojo dives into Harper's social media to look for clues to her whereabouts, she uncovers a shocking secret that turns everything she knew on its head.… (mehr)
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Holy crap, so good. Not what I expected at all... which is what keeps me interested. Can’t wait for the next one! ( )
  jennievh | Sep 18, 2024 |
Laurie is a dispatcher with the San Bernal PD. She is working one night and gets a call from her daughter, JoJo, and knows that her daughter is in dire trouble. Laurie immediately gets to work to try to find her daughter, involving her husband, who is the chief of police.
When they get to the scene, JoJo has been raped and there is a murder victim found in the bathroom. Kevin, a pro football player, is at the scene (in his own home) and is arrested for both crimes.
There is a person missing, though. That is Harper, JoJo's best friend. This becomes a search for that missing girl.

This is not usually my type of genre, but there were many twists and turns to the story that made it
quite interesting. ( )
  JReynolds1959 | Mar 30, 2023 |
While Stolen Things starts off with a crazy bang, I found myself quickly brought down by some of the author’s seemingly personal views on certain topics. Obviously there’s going to be a bit of a writer’s feelings and opinions in anything they write, but this felt just a tad too much.
Regardless, the story itself held my attention for the most part. ( )
  purple_pisces22 | Mar 14, 2021 |
Bland. Writing does not live up to the promise of the interesting plot. Skip this one. ( )
  NCDonnas | Jan 2, 2021 |
Bland. Writing does not live up to the promise of the interesting plot. Skip this one. ( )
  NCDonnas | Jan 2, 2021 |
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When the daughter of a local police chief and dispatcher makes a horrific 911 call, the whole town jumps into action. JoJo is disorientated; she has been raped and beaten at the home of pro footballer Kevin Leeds. She doesn't know what happened to Kevin's trainer, whose beaten corpse is also discovered in the house. And she has no idea where her best friend Harper, who was with her earlier in the evening, could be. When Jojo dives into Harper's social media to look for clues to her whereabouts, she uncovers a shocking secret that turns everything she knew on its head.

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