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Happy Endings Book Club: Books 1-3

von Kylie Gilmore

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The Happy Endings Book Club Boxed Set includes three full-length novels: Hidden Hollywood, Inviting Trouble, and So Revealing.
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A person has to be made of stone to not find pleasure in the irresistible world that is Kylie Gilmore.

Hidden Hollywood - The Happy Endings Book Club series begins on a high note with this energetic, playful and sincere bundle of feel good fun. An addiction to books and romance helped reel me in because any lover of books I would gladly befriend. Behind the glamour and wealth of big city lives, Claire and Jake have a simpleness on their minds. Matchmaking, a little slight of hand and let the masquerade begin.

Inviting Trouble -
Once a Kylie Gilmore fan, there is no escape. Inviting Trouble is just another reason why resistance is futile. How can you help but love an author that uses charm and humor to deliver relevant advice? Did I mention she’s does all this while stealing your heart? The lesson: Every color is special, don't be afraid to let them shine through. I just lost another little piece of my heart and I'm so okay with that.

So Revealing continues to play up the value of friendship and family while cluing in the clueless males of the Campbell brood. Ty is an idiot at times, but his pursuit of Charlotte helped him rise to the rank of lovable goofball in my eyes. Charlotte needed to lighten up her outlook and Ty was just the person to help her do that. If laughter is the best medicine, I would gladly take a double dosage, as long as Kylie Gilmore is holding the spoon. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
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The Happy Endings Book Club Boxed Set includes three full-length novels: Hidden Hollywood, Inviting Trouble, and So Revealing.

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