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The Subject Tonight Is Love: 60 Wild and…
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The Subject Tonight Is Love: 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz (Compass) (2003. Auflage)

von Hafiz, Daniel Ladinsky (Übersetzer)

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2433114,597 (4.36)5
From the renowned translator of The Gift, a rich collection that brings the great Sufi poet Hafiz to Western readers  Perhaps more than any other Persian poet, it is Hafiz who most fully accesses the mystical, healing dimensions of verse. Acclaimed poet Daniel Ladinsky has made it his life's work to create modern, inspired translations of the world's most profound spiritual poetry. Through Ladinsky's translations, Hafiz's voice comes alive across the centuries, singing his timeless message of love. With this stunning collection, Ladinsky has once again succeeded brilliantly in translating the essence of one of Islam's greatest poetic and spiritual voices. "Ladinsky is a master who will be remembered for finally bringing Hafiz alive in the West." --Alexandra Marks, The Christian Science Monitor … (mehr)
Titel:The Subject Tonight Is Love: 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz (Compass)
Weitere Autoren:Daniel Ladinsky (Übersetzer)
Info:Penguin Books (2003), Paperback, 88 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Subject Tonight Is Love: 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz (Compass) von Hafiz

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Being honest, I was poised to hate the book, Daniel Ladinsky has managed a dubious reputation as translator, blamed by quite a few as a shill larding self-help affirmations with traces of ancient poetry.

That sounds like a case for Arno Schmidt—but he’s dead.

I don’t know about the degree of license taken but I did appreciate the images. There’s a drunken ecstasy at play. There are poetic love bruises. Sure, there are anachronisms, I have doubts Hafiz was preoccupied with being cool or ever waxed on “getting stoned.” This volume did encourage me to pursue other translations. ( )
  jonfaith | Feb 22, 2019 |
I am unaware how much the author freely interprets Hafiz, though it does seem greatly. However the result, whether Hafiz or Ladinsky, is magical. I love this poetry. I love whimsy and the grace and the blessing. ( )
  patl | Feb 18, 2019 |
Avoid if heartbroken or heartless. ( )
  camillawb | Nov 6, 2018 |
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HafizHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Ladinsky, DanielÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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This book is dedicated to Meher Baba

And to His beautiful companions
Whom I have lived with
And loved
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From the renowned translator of The Gift, a rich collection that brings the great Sufi poet Hafiz to Western readers  Perhaps more than any other Persian poet, it is Hafiz who most fully accesses the mystical, healing dimensions of verse. Acclaimed poet Daniel Ladinsky has made it his life's work to create modern, inspired translations of the world's most profound spiritual poetry. Through Ladinsky's translations, Hafiz's voice comes alive across the centuries, singing his timeless message of love. With this stunning collection, Ladinsky has once again succeeded brilliantly in translating the essence of one of Islam's greatest poetic and spiritual voices. "Ladinsky is a master who will be remembered for finally bringing Hafiz alive in the West." --Alexandra Marks, The Christian Science Monitor 

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