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Queen's Move

von Nikita Slater

Reihen: The Queens (2)

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5 stars

Sweet holy titfire. How does a person trump the first book in this series? The answer is to follow it up with this book. Good lord. This author just created a man that just jumped into my book boyfriends list. Who knew that a man dubbed The Gentleman Butcher could love this unconditionally? I loved that he allowed Vee to play the game and wasn't afraid to show his softer side. Fantastic story and characters.

I loved the ending and Vee bringing up a promise that had me swooning the first time I heard it. I am anxiously awaiting for the next story since I was hoping it was going to happen from the encounters in this book.

( )
  MagicalRi | Jul 31, 2024 |
5 stars

Sweet holy titfire. How does a person trump the first book in this series? The answer is to follow it up with this book. Good lord. This author just created a man that just jumped into my book boyfriends list. Who knew that a man dubbed The Gentleman Butcher could love this unconditionally? I loved that he allowed Vee to play the game and wasn't afraid to show his softer side. Fantastic story and characters.

I loved the ending and Vee bringing up a promise that had me swooning the first time I heard it. I am anxiously awaiting for the next story since I was hoping it was going to happen from the encounters in this book.

( )
  MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I was on pins and needles waiting for this book. TOTALLY worth the wait. Vee and The Butcher were explosive. This is not your typical love story nor is it for the faint of heart. I love how violent and real they are. Vee stands strong and doesn't bend her values and beliefs. She is strong and stands up for herself! The Butcher - how he manages to be sexy but that violent and harsh is beyond me but it works!! We also get a side story along with major hints to the next book in the series. Awesome read!!! ( )
  Kellylynn22 | Mar 24, 2019 |
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