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Behind the Light of Golowduyn

von Deborah M. Hathaway

Reihen: A Cornish Romance (1)

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1311,565,672 (3.9)Keine
"She's the keeper of Golowduyn Lighthouse. He's the captain who shipwrecked on her watch. A marriage of convenience can save her home--if secrets don't destroy it first. Abigail Moore will do anything to keep Golowduyn Lighthouse shining brightly, even if she must do so alone. When a shipwreck occurs near her home one stormy evening--bringing with it a dashing captain keen to offer his aid at every turn--her days of isolation vanish. Captain Gavin Kendricks didn't expect to end his naval career by crashing his ship against the rugged cliffs of Cornwall. When he's pulled from the sea by the fearless and quick-tempered Miss Moore, a tentative friendship forms between them, and he begins to realize what has been missing from his life. Before either of them can explore these newfound stirrings, death and deception hit Golowduyn, and Abigail is left with a choice. Either she loses everything she has ever loved, or she marries the captain and accepts his help. Unable to give up the lighthouse, she agrees to the union, and they work together to see that the light does not diminish. But when her childhood secrets are unearthed, and their property falls victim to troubling defacement, their marriage threatens to crumble. Gavin fights to gain her confidence, but only Abigail can forget the crippling memories of her past to trust Gavin with Golowduyn--and her heart."--.… (mehr)
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After reading the prequel novella of the A Cornish Romance series, On the Shores of Tregalwen, and not being too impressed, I was apprehensive about reading Behind the Light of Golowduyn, but I am so glad that I gave it a chance.

Set in Cornwall, England in 1815, the Regency era with the breathtaking sea as a backdrop, made the novel charming and irresistible. Captain Gavin Kendricks is the perfect man: charming, handsome, and has incredible instincts and a heart of gold. Pure perfection. When Captain Kendricks has to make a challenging decision, to purposely crash his ship into the rocks at the base of Golowduyn lighthouse, a choice that leads the captain literally into the arms of the young lighthouse keeper, Abigail Moore, it is a chance meeting that alters the course of both of their lives.

Abigail is a heavily guarded woman who is haunted by her past, and has given every part of herself to the running of the lighthouse, all to help the many sailers out at sea. It's this strain that created an insecure, negative, untrusting character that after awhile began to grate on my nerves, almost to the point that I almost put the book down, but luckily I did not give up, namely due to several subjects that were shrouded in mystery until the very end, and worth the wait.

Behind the Light of Golowduyn is an enchanting, whimsical story that transports you to a beautiful lighthouse, is filled with plenty of mystery, angst, and tragedy and is a truly exquisitely written and powerful love story. ( )
  cflores0420 | May 5, 2019 |
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"She's the keeper of Golowduyn Lighthouse. He's the captain who shipwrecked on her watch. A marriage of convenience can save her home--if secrets don't destroy it first. Abigail Moore will do anything to keep Golowduyn Lighthouse shining brightly, even if she must do so alone. When a shipwreck occurs near her home one stormy evening--bringing with it a dashing captain keen to offer his aid at every turn--her days of isolation vanish. Captain Gavin Kendricks didn't expect to end his naval career by crashing his ship against the rugged cliffs of Cornwall. When he's pulled from the sea by the fearless and quick-tempered Miss Moore, a tentative friendship forms between them, and he begins to realize what has been missing from his life. Before either of them can explore these newfound stirrings, death and deception hit Golowduyn, and Abigail is left with a choice. Either she loses everything she has ever loved, or she marries the captain and accepts his help. Unable to give up the lighthouse, she agrees to the union, and they work together to see that the light does not diminish. But when her childhood secrets are unearthed, and their property falls victim to troubling defacement, their marriage threatens to crumble. Gavin fights to gain her confidence, but only Abigail can forget the crippling memories of her past to trust Gavin with Golowduyn--and her heart."--.

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