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Forbidden Royal

von Victoria Pinder

Reihen: Princes of Avce (3)

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Political consultant Amy Fields only experienced jealousy once in her life, and that's the way she'd like to keep it. Watching her older sister carry-on with the boy she absolutely adored in high school enough to make her never want to feel second-best again.Now, successful in her own right. She's making strides in her career and meeting interesting people, but one client takes a keen interest in her life - so much so, he's determined to ensure she never finds a happy ending with the boy she loved long ago.Prince Lucio Aussa can have any woman he wants, but he's grown tired of superficial relationships. When his brother convinces him that he can find the perfect bride online, Lucio reluctantly agrees to go along with the plan. The search dredges up old feelings about Amy's older sister, and prompts him to want to rekindle their broken relationship. But when the internet search points to Amy as his perfect mate, that changes everything. Now, he must reconcile the feelings he had for her sister with the realization that Amy is far more interesting than she ever was. To make matters worse, as his feelings for her grow, an enemy emerges threatening to ruin any hope of love for either of them.Can the overcome their preconceived notions about each other and find common ground together or will yet another obstacle stand in their way?… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vontxbritgal, DebbyeC, Catigerine
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With all the excitement around the real world royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle I've been doing a book marathon of the PRINCES OF AVCE books. I LOVED this one as the seemingly out of place Amy who grew up with two loveliness she herself didn't believe in love finds her very own Prince. Lucio only recently became aware he needs to marry imminently or lose his recently acquired crown. Having grown up in the England, his family was only brought back to the monarchy within the last decade. Unbeknownst to him there was an archaic law saying he must marry by a certain day or lose his claim. With his father currently in a coma it's more important than ever. With factions working against his family to overthrow them, his father ill, and the discovery of the law Lucio and his brothers all attempt to find brides. Lucio however goes about it in a rather unorthodox and hi-tech way....via a computer program. How was he too know it would match him with his ex girlfriends little sister from when he was a teenager?! He's determined for this to just be a contract and not out of love....boy is he in for a surprise with Amy and his country. Amy originally thinks shes there for a secretarial job interview. She's quickly informed that's not the case....somehow he gets her to agree, and to come see his country. All types of mayhem, court intrigue, kidnapping, and more happens once they touch down in his beloved country. You WON'T be bored reading this book that's for sure. I LOVED seeing Amy come into her own and become the woman she's meant to become! ( )
  txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
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Political consultant Amy Fields only experienced jealousy once in her life, and that's the way she'd like to keep it. Watching her older sister carry-on with the boy she absolutely adored in high school enough to make her never want to feel second-best again.Now, successful in her own right. She's making strides in her career and meeting interesting people, but one client takes a keen interest in her life - so much so, he's determined to ensure she never finds a happy ending with the boy she loved long ago.Prince Lucio Aussa can have any woman he wants, but he's grown tired of superficial relationships. When his brother convinces him that he can find the perfect bride online, Lucio reluctantly agrees to go along with the plan. The search dredges up old feelings about Amy's older sister, and prompts him to want to rekindle their broken relationship. But when the internet search points to Amy as his perfect mate, that changes everything. Now, he must reconcile the feelings he had for her sister with the realization that Amy is far more interesting than she ever was. To make matters worse, as his feelings for her grow, an enemy emerges threatening to ruin any hope of love for either of them.Can the overcome their preconceived notions about each other and find common ground together or will yet another obstacle stand in their way?

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