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Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness von Scott…
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Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness (2006. Auflage)

von Scott Westerfeld

Reihen: Midnighters (2)

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1,833299,655 (3.93)40
As they continue to battle evil creatures living in an hour hidden at midnight, Jessica and her new friends learn about Bixby, Oklahoma's shadowy past and uncover a deadly conspiracy that reaches beyond the secret hour.
Titel:Midnighters #2: Touching Darkness
Autoren:Scott Westerfeld
Info:HarperTeen (2006), Paperback, 336 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Midnighters, Band 2 - Das Dunkle von Scott Westerfeld

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Touching Darkness is the second book in the Midnighters series. This one was even better than the first, The Secret Hour. The Midnighters are now faced with a new threat; a halfling, half Midnighter, half darkling. Dess takes center stage in this book as she finds another Midnighter, Madeleine, but this Midnighter is different from her friends and may not have the quest the other Midnighters are on as her main goal. Once again the group must work together to defeat this new threat or risk the possibility of losing one of their own. Great writing by Scott Westerfeld - layering the suspense making the book hard to put down even after it's finished. I'm starting Blue Noon as soon as I can. ( )
  ftbooklover | Oct 12, 2021 |
Another very good book! Midnighters must find out how to work together despite betrayals and secrets to keep the darklings from merging Rex into one of them.
  JohnLavik | Mar 29, 2020 |
Touching Darkness is the second book in the Midnighters series. This one was even better than the first, The Secret Hour. The Midnighters are now faced with a new threat; a halfling, half Midnighter, half darkling. Dess takes center stage in this book as she finds another Midnighter, Madeleine, but this Midnighter is different from her friends and may not have the quest the other Midnighters are on as her main goal. Once again the group must work together to defeat this new threat or risk the possibility of losing one of their own. Great writing by Scott Westerfeld - layering the suspense making the book hard to put down even after it's finished. I'm starting Blue Noon as soon as I can. ( )
  Mrslabraden | May 31, 2016 |
As good as the first book. Wonder if they will make a movie. ( )
  joem0601 | Mar 5, 2016 |
This is the 2nd book in the Midnighters series. I didn't like this book as much as the first one in the series. I just felt like the story moved very slowly for the first half of the book. There wasn't nearly as much adventure in the secret hour; with most of the mystery and events taking place during the normal hours of the day. Previous to reading this book I had read Westerfeld’s Uglies series (thought it was okay) and his Leviathan series (loved it).

The Midnighters are continuing to unravel the mysteries of Bixby. However, another danger...a danger from the Daylight hours threatens one of their group. This time it is not Jessica who is being hunted but another in their group...

There wasn’t nearly as much as action and adventure in the book. I was also disappointed that much of the book takes place in the daylight hours rather during the creepy and eerie midnight hour. A lot of the creepiness and creepy crawlies were fairly scarce in this book as well (I was really hoping to see more types of shadow creatures and learn more about them).

Additionally this book was just plain boring. I felt like there was very little plot and story here and what was here could have been told in a short story rather than a book. I honestly struggled with staying engaged in the story and almost didn't finish the book.

We again jump between a number of characters. This constant changing of POV didn’t work well for the book. It made it very hard to engage or care about any of the characters here. The story was better when the whole idea of the midnight hour was a novel and interesting one, but there really aren’t any new and interesting ideas presented in this book.

Overall I was fairly disappointed in this book. I thought it was boring and struggled to stay engaged with the story. By the end of this book I had absolutely no interest in finding out anything else about these characters or the mysterious town of Bixby. If you want to read something by Westerfeld that is actually good I would recommend his Leviathan series. ( )
  krau0098 | Jul 17, 2015 |
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As they continue to battle evil creatures living in an hour hidden at midnight, Jessica and her new friends learn about Bixby, Oklahoma's shadowy past and uncover a deadly conspiracy that reaches beyond the secret hour.

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