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My Solo Exchange Diary Vol. 2

von Kabi Nagata

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1554182,506 (3.81)Keine
"Living on her own is harder than Nagata Kabi expected. Building relationships is difficult too, but with a new friendship to cultivate and a new perspective on her family, she's doing her best to open up and become a warm, compassionate person!"--Page 4 of cover.
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A lot of reviews are talking about how “rough” and “difficult to read” this series gets. But the fact is that the experiences described in this volume are in fact how many people live their lives - with instability, and fear, without understanding that support is always there whether they know it or not.

I want to buy copies of Nagata Kabi’s books and give them to people in my life. She frankly displays her experiences with hospitalization. We see self-hatred, spiraling thought processes, and grace with economy and emotion. She’s a master of the form and I can’t wait to see what comes next. ( )
  Amateria66 | May 24, 2024 |
Another honest peek into Kabi Nagata's life. This sequel makes me want to see more, and hopefully her life continues to improve. ( )
  Rekki | Mar 10, 2023 |
A very climactic, but also incredibly hopeful final volume. Alcoholism, hospitalization, and a return to self-harm before the author finally started picking up the pieces. She realized that her depression was worse because she was selfish and only thought of herself, so she began practicing looking outward and thinking about others’ happiness. She began making more of an effort to be with others, and she also practiced better self-care. She concludes by saying that the journey is far from over, but she now recognizes she has a support network that loves her, and being able to recognize that love enables her to fight her depression and possibly find more love in the future. ( )
  H4ppyN3rd | Oct 6, 2020 |
This entry is more frustrating than the previous two as the author mostly sets aside LGBTQ issues and focuses on the anxiety and depression which eventually result in her voluntary hospitalization following a strong bout of substance abuse.

Outside forces seem to be affecting the narrative as the author recounts how her family reacts to their depictions in the early volumes and realizes she is under some pressure to bring the series to a conclusion for the publisher. Some of the developments felt like backtracking to mend hurt feelings or exaggeration of progress for a happy ending.

Finally, there is the intriguing inclusion of one of the author's works of fiction. It was interesting to see the change of her art style to portray a sci-fi dystopia and to pick up on themes from her life evident in the story. That said, it wasn't a particularly good story. ( )
1 abstimmen villemezbrown | Mar 22, 2019 |
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"Living on her own is harder than Nagata Kabi expected. Building relationships is difficult too, but with a new friendship to cultivate and a new perspective on her family, she's doing her best to open up and become a warm, compassionate person!"--Page 4 of cover.

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