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Divine Conquest von A. W. Tozer
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Divine Conquest (1950. Auflage)

von A. W. Tozer (Autor)

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967622,600 (4.38)2
This book, formerly titled The Divine Conquest, was written as a sequel to The Pursuit of God. Admitting to having been forced by inward pressure and an unbearable burden to write it, Tozer's aim was to assure believers that if they want to know the power of Christ they must be invaded by God. "This little book of the spiritual way has not been 'made' in any mechanical sense, it has been born out of inward necessity... The sight of the languishing church around me and the operations of a new spiritual power within me have set up a pressure impossible to resist." - A.W. Tozer.… (mehr)
Titel:Divine Conquest
Autoren:A. W. Tozer (Autor)
Info:Christian Pubns (1950)
Sammlungen:Spiritual Formation


The Divine Conquest von A. W. Tozer

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    Eisenthron von George R. R. Martin (Anonymer Nutzer)
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This tremendous book requires some interest in theology. Very powerfully written, it pierces to the heart of the human/divine relationship. Not for the faint of heart. True contact with the divine needs total commitment and attention. ( )
  Cr00 | Apr 1, 2023 |
Great Devotional book that is centered on God and reflections on what it means to live a life centered on Him. In particular, Tozer's sections on the Holy Spirit were exceptional as it relates to how conservative Christianity has often treated the Third Person of the Trinity like they treat justification and sanctification; one being the past work of God and one being on their own self-sufficiency. Tozer rightly challenges every dimension of this from inward rebellion to outward culture.

My only minor quibbles have to do in brief moments where it appears that Tozer is trying to create a false spiritual/physical dimension in the idea of true restoration; as though the Holy Spirit were to only work through spiritual/supernatural means and not through ordinary people/institutions. As Christ often reminds us in his parables and teachings, such a distinction is unhelpful. Men might not indeed become Christians through Christian Institutions, but couldn't the Holy Spirit use those institutions as well? Surely Tozer would agree, but I'm left wondering. ( )
  gingsing27 | Jul 8, 2022 |
I would highly recommend this book to any honest seeker of God. Unfortunately, the book is explicitly addressed to American evangelical fundamentalists, so while the message is timeless and universal the content must be understood through the lens of the author.
Overall, the book is well written and the Spirit of God pours out of the words. It is obvious that the author is not writing from a merely intellectual and academic position, but rather he is putting down truths that have been searched out and lived out in a real life. I found that each chapter left me with a burning desire in my heart to seek God and to know God. ( )
  NGood | Feb 19, 2014 |
This volume is every bit as wonderful as The Pursuit of God. Tozer's theology cuts right to the bone, and he is so persuasive and strong in his arguments. He will bring you from the milk of the Word to the tough meat in only a few pages, and you will still want more. An amazing writing to present such difficult, but likewise amazing, truths. ( )
  nesum | Jun 24, 2009 |
Great book by Tozer. This book continues with the ideas Tozer set forth in his book The Pursuit of God. ( )
  JohnnieBurgessJr | Apr 11, 2006 |
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This book, formerly titled The Divine Conquest, was written as a sequel to The Pursuit of God. Admitting to having been forced by inward pressure and an unbearable burden to write it, Tozer's aim was to assure believers that if they want to know the power of Christ they must be invaded by God. "This little book of the spiritual way has not been 'made' in any mechanical sense, it has been born out of inward necessity... The sight of the languishing church around me and the operations of a new spiritual power within me have set up a pressure impossible to resist." - A.W. Tozer.

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