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Sparking Sara

von Samantha Christy

Reihen: Men on Fire (2)

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Three years of her life are gone in an instant. Her memories of becoming a famous artist - forgotten. Of the falling out with her best friend - lost. Of her charming boyfriend - erased. The doctors tell us getting Sara back into her normal routine is what's best for her. But what happens when she doesn't want her old normal? Some would say I'm trying to save ghosts from my past. I think they're wrong. Maybe all of them are wrong. Maybe the best thing for Sara is me.… (mehr)
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Denver and Sara’s story. This one was pretty good. It’s mostly the story of a man falling in love with a comatose woman. The story starts sort of where the last one ended where we find out Denver has become a fireman, despite his aversion to working motor vehicle accidents. He has trauma from when his parents died in a really bad car accident. Because of that, no fire station will really take him on as a full-time person and he ends up being a floater who fills in when people are absent. But even still, he has trouble with every car accident he comes across.

One particular car accident, however, is one that changes his life. This is one where he has to rescue a woman, Sara. Afterwards, he can’t get Sarah out of his mind, so he goes to the hospital to check on her. When he does, he finds out that she has very little people in her life. So he stays with her until her family and boyfriend can show up. Unfortunately Sara wasn’t the nicest of people, so no one ends up coming to the hospital with the exception of a cousin who can only make it sporadically. So Denver ends up spending a lot of time with her.

His family and friends are worried he’s becoming too attached to his rescue. But he can’t seem to stay away from her. When Sara wakes up, she seems to recognize Denver because of all the time he spent with her. But they find out she has amnesia and can’t remember her life. She can’t remember who she used to be. And the more she finds out about her old life, the more she realizes that that may be a good thing. Because she was not a good person. Unfortunately for Denver, the boyfriend finally shows up, and even though Sara can’t remember him, she tries to go back to the life she used to have. Too bad for her she seems to have fallen for Denver as much as Denver has fallen for her.

This was more a slow burn, relationship building story. Even though Denver and Sarah were not supposed to be together. But we get to watch them fall in love. Things do get physical and steamy later, but not until almost the end of the book. She has a long road of recovery and rehab to go through before they can get to that point. And then, of course, there’s the boyfriend. That situation gets wrapped up in an interesting plot twist that I did not entirely see coming. But I had suspicions about him so I wasn’t totally surprised. I did like this book a bit more than the first book in the series. And I appreciate how characters from the previous three series continue to pop up. It’s a huge world this author has created and I like seeing how it all ties together. ( )
  NickyM96 | Nov 21, 2022 |
4.3 stars

Heartfelt story that shows that the universe has a way with giving us exactly what we need when we need it. Love always manages to triumph darkness and helps navigate times that are trying. ( )
  MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
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Three years of her life are gone in an instant. Her memories of becoming a famous artist - forgotten. Of the falling out with her best friend - lost. Of her charming boyfriend - erased. The doctors tell us getting Sara back into her normal routine is what's best for her. But what happens when she doesn't want her old normal? Some would say I'm trying to save ghosts from my past. I think they're wrong. Maybe all of them are wrong. Maybe the best thing for Sara is me.

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