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The Darkest Winter

von Lindsey Pogue

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505528,538 (4.05)Keine
Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:

Prepare to feel the cold in your bones in this soul-stirring series about six strangers who face the horrors of a virus-ravaged world, and the hope, love, and family they find in one another along the way.

â?? â?? â?? â?? â?? "One of the most beautiful series ever read." - Amazon Reviewer

A group of orphaned misfits.

The wildlands of the last frontier.

Superhuman abilities, harrowing adventures, and heartbreaking secrets.

Elle - Haunting shadows are nothing new to Elle St. James, she's been running from them all her life. But since the outbreak spread from the lower forty-eight, new monsters lurk in the darkness. After Elle wakes from the fever, capable of horrific deeds, she fears she's one of them. When she stumbles upon four orphans, Elle's forced to discover what happens when her greatest fear becomes her darkest secret and her only hope of surviving.

Jackson - After the world goes mad and takes his family with it, Jackson Mitchell tosses aside his badge and decides a bottle of bourbon and the depths of despair are preferable to any semblance of living. All of that changes, however, when a group of young survivors are in dire need of his help and Jackson sacrifices his blissful oblivion in order to keep them safe. As they trek further away from the collapsing cities, Jackson must rely on his knowledge of the backcountry and the traditions of his people, or succumb to the dangers of the Alaskan wilderness.

Brought together under the worst possible circumstances, Elle and Jackson face the inexplicable realities of the new world. Their past lives are over, and the arctic isn't all that is savage anymore.

For fans of X-Men, The Walking Dead, and Kresley Cole's Arcana Chronicles.

**Rated R for violence and possible triggers.**

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Great series!

Kept me hooked from the beginning...great POV from those in the great white north...never read a book with that before...great thinking! Looking forward to the next one! ( )
  Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |
Enjoyable for awhile

It too?me forever to get through this book. One time it's really exciting and the next boring as heck. I am happy they all survived and hopefully they can continue to be safe as more sequels are coming. ( )
  Nora57 | Jul 29, 2022 |
The Darkest Winter: Savage North Chronicles Book 1 by Lindsey Pogue

I liked it, profanity was at a very low minimum. I would feel comfortable letting my teen son read it. I highly recommend it if you like post-apocalyptical fiction. I read straight through. It's quite long, I didn't even notice!

Lindsey Pogue is an author to follow, as far as I'm concerned. ( )
  HuberK | Feb 19, 2021 |
Almost everyone in the world has come down with a virus and has died of gone crazy and are out killing people. A young Woman running to try to find a safe place comes across 2 little children in the road all alone. She can't leave them, so gathers them with her and soon end up with a few more as all try to survive. ( )
  Barbaralois | May 14, 2019 |
Fascinating story of the of world survival in Alaska! A virus has killed almost everyone and other have gone crazy. A Women looking for safety finds children alone instead.They form a different kind of family as the world changes around them. ( )
  Barbaralois | May 12, 2019 |
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Fiction. Romance. Science Fiction. HTML:

Prepare to feel the cold in your bones in this soul-stirring series about six strangers who face the horrors of a virus-ravaged world, and the hope, love, and family they find in one another along the way.

â?? â?? â?? â?? â?? "One of the most beautiful series ever read." - Amazon Reviewer

A group of orphaned misfits.

The wildlands of the last frontier.

Superhuman abilities, harrowing adventures, and heartbreaking secrets.

Elle - Haunting shadows are nothing new to Elle St. James, she's been running from them all her life. But since the outbreak spread from the lower forty-eight, new monsters lurk in the darkness. After Elle wakes from the fever, capable of horrific deeds, she fears she's one of them. When she stumbles upon four orphans, Elle's forced to discover what happens when her greatest fear becomes her darkest secret and her only hope of surviving.

Jackson - After the world goes mad and takes his family with it, Jackson Mitchell tosses aside his badge and decides a bottle of bourbon and the depths of despair are preferable to any semblance of living. All of that changes, however, when a group of young survivors are in dire need of his help and Jackson sacrifices his blissful oblivion in order to keep them safe. As they trek further away from the collapsing cities, Jackson must rely on his knowledge of the backcountry and the traditions of his people, or succumb to the dangers of the Alaskan wilderness.

Brought together under the worst possible circumstances, Elle and Jackson face the inexplicable realities of the new world. Their past lives are over, and the arctic isn't all that is savage anymore.

For fans of X-Men, The Walking Dead, and Kresley Cole's Arcana Chronicles.

**Rated R for violence and possible triggers.**


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