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The Alibi Girl

von C. J. Skuse

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302815,775 (3.5)Keine
'Brilliantly-written characters, original and engaging. It's so good!' BA Paris JOANNE HAYNES HAS A SECRET. THAT IS NOT HER REAL NAME. And there's more. Her flat isn't hers. Her cats aren't hers. Even her hair isn't really hers.   Nor is she any of the other women she pretends to be. Not the bestselling romance novelist who gets her morning snack from the doughnut van on the seafront. Nor the pregnant woman in the dental surgery. Nor the chemo patient in the supermarket for whom the cashier feels ever so sorry. They're all just alibis.   In fact, the only thing that's real about Joanne is that nobody can know who she really is.   But someone has got too close. It looks like her alibis have begun to run out.... Your favourite authors are loving The Alibi Girl 'Heart-wrenching, impossible to predict and completely absorbing' John Marrs 'The master of dark, sexy psychological suspense' Suzy K Quinn 'A dark, addictive read' Phoebe Morgan… (mehr)
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Having read the two 'Sweet Pea' novels by the same author I came to this book hoping to be equally impressed. I was not disappointed. The lead character is a compulsive liar, living a fantasy life alone with no friends or family just a collection of cats which we discover she steals from the local neighbourhood. However, the character is written in such a way that we quickly come to understand that there is some trauma in her past which has created this situation and as such, the character keeps our sympathy and support.

A thriller with a sprinkling of comedy and romance, I found this a thoroughly enjoyable read. ( )
  Denscott | May 31, 2020 |
The Alibi Girl is my first book by CJ Skuse but I've heard such good things about her previous books and both are on my pile of books to read. I get a sense that The Alibi Girl is a little different to those books but it's certainly a fantastic read in every way.

It's always difficult to review a book without giving away more than the blurb does. We know that Joanne Haynes is the Alibi Girl of the title. We know that's not her real name and that she also makes up lots of other personas: novelist, doctor, mother. What we don't know when the story begins is why. Why can't she be her real self?

This is such a rollercoaster of a read. I loved Joanne. She's full of dry wit and feistiness and yet underneath it all is a vulnerable little girl who just wants her life back. The author led me through Joanne's life now, with tantalising glimpses at her past, slowly drip-feeding me facts to make up the whole story of what Joanne has been through. I was heartbroken for her at times.

I loved the unusual storyline, the constant ups and downs and the fact that it made me laugh out loud, yet also provided a very moving narrative. I'm even more keen now to read the author's earlier books. I didn't want to put this one down. It completely enthralled me. ( )
  nicx27 | Feb 10, 2020 |
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'Brilliantly-written characters, original and engaging. It's so good!' BA Paris JOANNE HAYNES HAS A SECRET. THAT IS NOT HER REAL NAME. And there's more. Her flat isn't hers. Her cats aren't hers. Even her hair isn't really hers.   Nor is she any of the other women she pretends to be. Not the bestselling romance novelist who gets her morning snack from the doughnut van on the seafront. Nor the pregnant woman in the dental surgery. Nor the chemo patient in the supermarket for whom the cashier feels ever so sorry. They're all just alibis.   In fact, the only thing that's real about Joanne is that nobody can know who she really is.   But someone has got too close. It looks like her alibis have begun to run out.... Your favourite authors are loving The Alibi Girl 'Heart-wrenching, impossible to predict and completely absorbing' John Marrs 'The master of dark, sexy psychological suspense' Suzy K Quinn 'A dark, addictive read' Phoebe Morgan

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