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For the Lady of Lowena

von Deborah M. Hathaway

Reihen: A Cornish Romance (2)

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1431,482,130 (3.9)Keine
She's everything he's never wanted--until she was everything he needed. Tired of the smoke, the smog, and the spoiled females of London, Frederick Hawkins leaves the city behind and purchases an estate in Cornwall, longing to escape his mother's meddling--and to find a wife worthy of his devotion. When he happens upon a barefooted lady asleep on the beach and rescues her from the incoming tide, he believes he has found such a woman. But first impressions can't be trusted. Born into wealth, Sophia Rosewall is offered everything on a silver platter. That is, until her father reveals he has lost their fortune and can now no longer fund their affluent living. Even worse, the intriguing gentleman who'd rescued Sophia on the beach is no one else but the pretentious man now taking possession of her home. Uprooted from everything she has ever known, Sophia relocates to Lowena, a small cottage at the edge of the sea. She clings to her former life, but when Society rejects her, nothing will ever be the same. As their paths continually cross, Frederick begins to see glimmers of the carefree Sophia he'd first met on the beach, and he cannot help but hope that there is more to the woman than a love of wealth and attention. He does what he can to help her find confidence in her new life and allow her true self to shine forth, but only Sophia can stop attempting to change her circumstances, and instead, change her heart.… (mehr)
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Mr. Frederick Hawkins happens upon a woman asleep in the path of the incoming tide, gently waking her, and they share a moment that is utterly charming; the perfect beginning of a fairy tale romance. Sadly, the illusive damsel in distress is the daughter of Fredrick’s new business associate and after a dinner at their home, Miss Sophia Rosewall is not the woman Fredrick thought she was.

It takes a fall from grace to make Sophia realize just how right Frederick is, the situation she finds herself in truly humbling, opening her eyes to the truth that has been right in front of her, her privileged life blinding her for far too long.

I have adored the A Cornish Romance series thus far, but there is something special about For the Lady of Lowena. Maybe it’s the fact that the heroine is taken down a peg, not something you normally read about in regency era novels. Or the fact that all the characters are so well fleshed out that it feels truly believable!

The author does such an incredible job of bringing her stories to life. I could smell the sea, feel the cold and angst, as well as the wind of change that blew through Cornwall. I felt all the feels, including incredible frustration at the majority of the upper class and their privileged attitudes and behavior, and utter heartbreak at the working class and everything they had to endure, especially during that time period.

The ending was immensely satisfying, yet sad, but only because I wasn’t ready for this charming story to end! I adored this novel so much, and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series! ( )
  cflores0420 | Feb 2, 2022 |
I thought this might be a fluff read, but it ended up being a tad more than fluff. Now I have nothing against fluff as my brain sometimes just need a fluff book.
Sophia has grown up in Fynway Hall, a very rich, spoiled young lady, however, when her life suddenly changes and she and her family are removed from her home and are to live in a hut, Sophia is forced to change her behavior. Frederick Hawkins is the one who purchased her family's estate due to her father's bad business practices. I loved the interaction between the two and how Sophia changes her attitude.
Great Read. ( )
  travelgal | Mar 11, 2020 |
For the Lady of Lowena (A Cornish Romance Book 2) b
Deborah M. Hathaway is delightful Regency Romance set in Cornwell. It can be read as a stand alone.
"A Cornish Romance Series
On the Shores of Tregalwen (A Prequel Novella):
Behind the Light of Golowduyn (Book One)
For the Lady of Lowena (Book Two)":

This author is a new author to me. But I will be reading more of her books
Steady paced, well crafted, and flows seamlessly with charming characters. Follow, Frederick Hawkins, who purchases an estate in Cornwall, longing to escape is mother's meddling and society. Sophia Rosewall, who was born into wealth, is now faced with her father losses their fortune, now they can not continue to fund their affluent life.
"For the Lady of Lowena" has
twists and turns, drama,
secrets, personal growth with a HEA.
Fans of Regency, Romance, secrets, where the characters have personal growth and a steady paced story, will enjoy this novel. An enjoyable and satisfying romance.
"I voluntarily received a complimentary copy, however, these are my honest opinions. I was in no way required nor compensated to write a review."

Rating: 4
Heat rating: Sweet
Reviewer: AprilR
Reasons I enjoyed this book: ( )
  tarenn | Oct 1, 2019 |
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She's everything he's never wanted--until she was everything he needed. Tired of the smoke, the smog, and the spoiled females of London, Frederick Hawkins leaves the city behind and purchases an estate in Cornwall, longing to escape his mother's meddling--and to find a wife worthy of his devotion. When he happens upon a barefooted lady asleep on the beach and rescues her from the incoming tide, he believes he has found such a woman. But first impressions can't be trusted. Born into wealth, Sophia Rosewall is offered everything on a silver platter. That is, until her father reveals he has lost their fortune and can now no longer fund their affluent living. Even worse, the intriguing gentleman who'd rescued Sophia on the beach is no one else but the pretentious man now taking possession of her home. Uprooted from everything she has ever known, Sophia relocates to Lowena, a small cottage at the edge of the sea. She clings to her former life, but when Society rejects her, nothing will ever be the same. As their paths continually cross, Frederick begins to see glimmers of the carefree Sophia he'd first met on the beach, and he cannot help but hope that there is more to the woman than a love of wealth and attention. He does what he can to help her find confidence in her new life and allow her true self to shine forth, but only Sophia can stop attempting to change her circumstances, and instead, change her heart.

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