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The Perfect Couple

von Lisa Hall

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"When Emily applies for a job as a housekeeper for widower Rupert, it's a chance to start over - a steady job and regular money means she can work towards her own place, not sharing a grimy flat with old mate, Mags. As Emily gets to know more about Rupert's world - how he likes his supper when he comes in from work, who his friends are - she can make sure everything runs like clockwork for him. Soon there's a spark between them; Rupert likes Emily and invites her to stay. For good. To the outside world, they really seem to be a perfect match. There's just the small issue of what really happened to Rupert's first wife."--Provided by publisher.… (mehr)
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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This is one of the best thrillers I've read. I basically picked it up today and blew through it. Emma is coming off an abusive relationship when she gets a job as a housekeeper for a wealthy widower. Rupert's wife committed suicide a year previously, but soon the two have become a couple. The fly in the ointment is the weird happenings around the house.
Everyone is a suspect here. Ms. Hall did a perfect job at building up the suspense with twists coming out of nowhere. The reader almost doesn't put it all together until the last few pages. Really, this is the best suspense book I've read in a while. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Jan 24, 2022 |
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"When Emily applies for a job as a housekeeper for widower Rupert, it's a chance to start over - a steady job and regular money means she can work towards her own place, not sharing a grimy flat with old mate, Mags. As Emily gets to know more about Rupert's world - how he likes his supper when he comes in from work, who his friends are - she can make sure everything runs like clockwork for him. Soon there's a spark between them; Rupert likes Emily and invites her to stay. For good. To the outside world, they really seem to be a perfect match. There's just the small issue of what really happened to Rupert's first wife."--Provided by publisher.

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