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His Unexpected Amish Twins

von Rachel J Good

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2291,047,536 (4.83)1
"When Micah Miller's brother and sister-in-law are killed in a buggy accident, he's devastated. But he fulfills the promise he made when their twins were born seven years earlier: to raise Jabin and Chloe should tragedy strike. Still, coping with the children's grief as well as his own, requires extra support. He's surprised to find an Amish farm that offers just that ... Hope Graber had to find a way to save the family farm after her dad's health forced him to stop breeding horses. Providing animal therapy proved to be the answer--thanks to the help of expert trainer Logan Russell. Together, they not only pay the bills, they make positive changes in children's lives. Hope loves working with each child, but she takes a special interest in the Miller twins. She even makes Micah smile again--and he does the same for her. In fact, as Micah emerges from his depression, he longs to make them one happy family. But will Hope's debt to her English trainer, and their close partnership, stand in the way?"--Page [4] of cover.… (mehr)
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What I think you should know:
His Unexpected Amish Twins is contemporary Amish fiction by Rachel J. Good. It is the first book in Unexpected Amish Blessing series. Hope is in the process of starting a business to help people both within her Amish community and Englisher. However she is facing financial ruin. Micah is thrust into parenthood when his brother and sister in law are killed.

What you might need to know:
In the opening of the book the twins lose their parents in a tragic buggy accident. The book deals with grief and fear.

What I think about this book:
I was partially skeptical about the book based on the title, however being a fan of Good I wanted to give it a try and I am SO glad I did. Good goes beyond the typical Amish fiction and tackles hard issues in her book. I loved Hope and how she wanted to use hippotherapy to help children. She was not your typical Amish woman, she was in charge of her family finances and was working a job that would be frowned upon by most Amish communities. This book broke all of the cliches that you often see! Jabin and Chloe were heartbreaking, however they also added so much to the book. The big surprise for me was Micah, I quickly came to love him and enjoy how Good used his character. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series!

I received a complimentary copy for this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  DonnaC83 | Mar 19, 2020 |
As an avid reader, some of my favorite books to read are ones about the Amish. This book did not disappoint. The heartbreak of twins losing their parents in a buggy accident brings Micah and Hope together.

Dealing with her ow family issues of a father who makes unwise decisions, I have to say I wanted Hope to find someone to love her. I was glad to see how members of her community came around her to support her.

As a child, our youngest son suffered from motor skills issues. One of the things recommended to us was therapeutic horseback riding, so the fact that Hope was trying to start a business providing therapy to children captured my attention.

So if you like reading books about the Amish, check out this book for yourself.

I received a copy of this book for my fair and honest review. ( )
  PattiP1992 | Mar 14, 2020 |
I love how Micah is taking care of his brothers twins when they are suddenly killed in a buggy accident. He meets Hope while the twins are in the hospital and finds out that they get along well. He has a little bit of a hard time when he finds out that Hope is starting a business using horse therapy to help people. He is very afraid of horses. I love how he and Hope work together to help these children to get over their parents loss and to get close to each other. Hope also has some personal problems that she is working on. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will. ( )
  Virginia51 | Mar 14, 2020 |
This story is a very sweet and heartwarming look at loss and fear. It was very sad when the twins lost their parents in an accident. The stay at the hospital for them was hard but thanks to Hope she helped them feel a bit at ease. It was no accident that Hope was there to help when the accident happened. God already had a plan to help heal the twins and allow Hope to show them unconditional love.

I liked the introduction of Micah who are the twins’ uncle. He is not very confident about caring for the twins and the author does a great job showing the emotional struggles that they each have. The children go through some emotional times as they come to grips with their new lives. It is not easy to lose someone you love and the author illustrates the grief process very well.

It is a nice addition to the story when we find out about Hope’s business of horse therapy geared to those who are struggling with depression, autism, grief and other issues that disconnect them from people. I remember going to church with a young woman who did horse therapy for handicapped children. I went to visit her one day and cried the whole time I was there. The children were laughing, smiling and even embracing the horses as their walls started falling around their broken hearts. I’m glad the author included the horse therapy in the story because it is a valuable tool to reach those who are emotionally hurting.

Out of all the characters in the story, my favorite was Hope’s father. He has had a hard time trying to provide for his family and seemed to be a little distant from everyone. When he opens his heart to the twins, I could feel grace surround him. He felt needed again and his connection to the twins will have a lasting impact on his life. His past is interesting and I couldn’t wait to see if he would turn away from the temptation that almost cost him everything he owned.

The author writes a wonderful story that shared grief, hurt, depression forgiveness and a promise of healing hearts. I loved reading how God’s love shows mercy to all and delivers a hope for new beginnings. I liked that the author included Chloe being angry at God. I was angry at God last year when he didn’t heal my brother. I prayed for God to heal him and not take him away. But after a year I am finally able to understand that God healed my brother , just not the way I wanted. The twins being angry is a natural process of grief that Hope and Micah will have to help them get through.

The ending is beautiful and the author has enclosed a peek at the next book in the series. I can’t wait for it to come out.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. ( )
  Harley0326 | Mar 7, 2020 |
His Unexpected Amish Twins by Rachel J. Good has Holly Graber starting a horse therapy business in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She is on her way home when she encounters an accident between a buggy and a car. Hope rushes to offer aid to the little girl thrown from the buggy. She ends up staying by Chloe and her twin brother’s side until a relative arrives. Micah Miller hurries from New York to Lancaster to be with his brother’s children. Unfortunately, Micah’s brother, Ben and his wife did not survive the accident. Micah finds himself overwhelmed and is grateful when Hope offers assistance with the twins. Micah is unsure how to handle the children’s grief. Hope suggests they try hippotherapy which terrifies Micah. He was kicked by a horse as a child which has caused Micah to be dread being around a horse (which is difficult when your Amish). Horse therapy may be just what Micah and his new charges need plus it allows Micah and Hope to spend time together. His Unexpected Amish Twins is a poignant Amish story. I thought it was well-written with developed characters. The story deals with grief, fear, pride, forgiveness, healing and love. Micah has felt he was always in competition with his brother and he felt that he never did as well. Plus, Micah has a fear of horses. Hope has been responsible for her family’s financial matters since she turned eighteen. Her father, Isaac has a gambling problem which Hope has done her best to keep from others. To help provide them with an income and use the horses they own, Hope has been training in hippotherapy. Hope is a kind, compassionate woman. I liked learning about hippotherapy and its benefits. Hope is naïve, though, because she does not understand her father’s addiction to gambling (the lengths one will go to get the money they need). I did feel that the father needed additional counseling from a minister or church elder. The description of a grieving family was realistic. I could relate to their overwhelming loss. I felt bad for the children who lost both their parents. Micah was trying to do what is best for the kids, but as expected, he makes a few missteps along the way. It can be difficult to raise one child much less two who are as different as the twins. Chloe is energetic, outgoing while her brother is quiet and reserved. I was rooting for Micah to overcome his fear of horses as Hope worked with him. The romance progressed at just the right pace for this story. Isaac, Hope’s father, struggle was evident along with his feelings of regret. I appreciated the epilogue which provided a sweet ending to the book. His Unexpected Amish Twins is an emotional story that will tug on your heartstrings. I look forward to reading the next book in the Unexpected Amish Blessings series. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Mar 7, 2020 |
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"When Micah Miller's brother and sister-in-law are killed in a buggy accident, he's devastated. But he fulfills the promise he made when their twins were born seven years earlier: to raise Jabin and Chloe should tragedy strike. Still, coping with the children's grief as well as his own, requires extra support. He's surprised to find an Amish farm that offers just that ... Hope Graber had to find a way to save the family farm after her dad's health forced him to stop breeding horses. Providing animal therapy proved to be the answer--thanks to the help of expert trainer Logan Russell. Together, they not only pay the bills, they make positive changes in children's lives. Hope loves working with each child, but she takes a special interest in the Miller twins. She even makes Micah smile again--and he does the same for her. In fact, as Micah emerges from his depression, he longs to make them one happy family. But will Hope's debt to her English trainer, and their close partnership, stand in the way?"--Page [4] of cover.

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