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Could Be Something Good

von Fiona West

Reihen: Timber Falls (1)

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"It was love at first brush-off... Dr. Daniel Durand wanted Winnie Baker the minute he laid eyes on her. Never mind that she's his attending physician's daughter, can't stand him, and she's a few years older than him. Giving up would've been the smart thing to do when the hot blonde midwife gave him the cold shoulder at the elevators his first week of residency at Santiam, but he never did give up easy. After bonding over early-morning Mexican food, can he convince her that he's just the arm candy she needs for that wedding... and get her to consider one of their own? Winnie Baker isn't taking her cousin to another wedding. Her mentor's big day is far too important to miss. And she's not going by herself, not with her ex-boyfriend promising to be in attendance and blowing up her phone with texts on a weekly basis, asking for another chance. But the pickings are a bit slim in Timber Falls, a sleepy Oregon town in the foothills of the Cascades. She moved here to focus on building her midwifery practice, not get involved with cute millennial boys with trendy shoes and long eyelashes. And yet, even this small rural hospital is feeling a bit crowded, with her mother and her group of doctors-in-training constantly underfoot... especially since she was supposed to be one of those doctors."--Provided by publisher.… (mehr)
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Daniel is intrigued by Winnie the first time he sees her. Winnie isn't interested at first. She has a bad break up behind her and her mothers stupid expectations constantly upon her. Additionally, Daniel is a little younger than she is. It could not end up in anything good, right?

Things I liked

Once again, Fiona West does it. This is a light, joyful read even though it deals with some everyday issues, for example how dyslexia is treated in life. The characters are complex and interesting. They all have their own issues, but they also come through strongly and happier.


There is nothing I did not like in this book. It is a great, quick and joyful read and I can't wait to travel back to Timber Falls and read the next story in the series.

* ARC received through Netgalley ( )
  AllAndAnyBooks | Sep 17, 2020 |
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"It was love at first brush-off... Dr. Daniel Durand wanted Winnie Baker the minute he laid eyes on her. Never mind that she's his attending physician's daughter, can't stand him, and she's a few years older than him. Giving up would've been the smart thing to do when the hot blonde midwife gave him the cold shoulder at the elevators his first week of residency at Santiam, but he never did give up easy. After bonding over early-morning Mexican food, can he convince her that he's just the arm candy she needs for that wedding... and get her to consider one of their own? Winnie Baker isn't taking her cousin to another wedding. Her mentor's big day is far too important to miss. And she's not going by herself, not with her ex-boyfriend promising to be in attendance and blowing up her phone with texts on a weekly basis, asking for another chance. But the pickings are a bit slim in Timber Falls, a sleepy Oregon town in the foothills of the Cascades. She moved here to focus on building her midwifery practice, not get involved with cute millennial boys with trendy shoes and long eyelashes. And yet, even this small rural hospital is feeling a bit crowded, with her mother and her group of doctors-in-training constantly underfoot... especially since she was supposed to be one of those doctors."--Provided by publisher.

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